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时间:2019-11-22 21:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:中国近代铁路  中国近代史社会史  传统观念  社会文化

The influence of railway development in modern China on social culture

Abstract The development of railway plays a great role in promoting the progress of human society. In China, the emergence of the railway promoted the development of the society, at the same time, social development and promote the construction of the railway, the two have a close link. On the one hand, the railway is developed on the basis of Chinese social development; on the other hand, in the development of Chinese society, railway to great role in promoting, caused the people's psychology, living habits, customs and ideas of change and so on. The railway was originally built caused controversy and opposed to influence effect of active railway construction, railway in modern China on the economy, impact of railway construction in modern China to the Chinese tradition, the Chinese modern railway on people's living habits and customs, the influence of modern railway construction of Chinese modern society, mainly discusses the influence which produces to the modern social culture of China, and get inspiration from which. Anyway, although the modern railway of China in the construction process by powers and all the factors influence, development process is tortuous and difficult, slow development, however, at the time, the construction of the railway promotes the development of Chinese society, it for the construction of Chinese modern society to reference. 

Key Words:Modern railway in China  Social history of Chinese modern history  traditional ideas  social culture

引言:    1825年,世界第一条铁路在英国建成,它位于斯托克顿和达灵顿两城市之间,全长20英里。这趟列车的通车,标志了近代铁路运输业的开端,铁路的建设大大促进了英国社会的发展。同时,铁路对人类社会的发展有着不可替代的重要作用,对中国也是如此。陈旭麓曾说:“一个国家或者地区,它对外交通越发达它的文化经济也就越发达。”[ ]交通对经济的发展起着推动的作用,只有交通便利经济才能更好更快的发展,而铁路是近现代社会最重要的交通方式之一,铁路对社会经济文化的发展这方面起着至关重要的作用。本文先从总体介绍中国近代铁路的发展历程,然后从经济方面、观念方面和风俗方面探讨铁路对中国近代社会文化的影响。

    一 中国近代铁路的发展    

    第一次鸦片战争后,经历过工业革命的英国打开了中国“紧锁”的大门。许多西方的先进文化知识、科学技术等逐渐传入中国,其中就包括了铁路知识,林则徐、魏源等知识分子开始对铁路进行研究和宣传,促进了铁路知识在中国近代的传播。1841年,林则徐在《四洲志》中,谈到美国的交通:“火车运输货物每一点钟可走二十到三十里地,可以穿过山间隧道。”[ ]后来魏源在其著作《海国图志》中,也记载了与铁路相关的内容,虽然提到的不多,而且相对简单,没有深层次的探讨,但说明了魏源对火车和铁路有了一定的认识。随着洋务运动的兴起,在中国近代化发展的背景下,中国近代社会对铁路的了解逐渐加深,民间资本投资建设铁路的愿望愈加强烈。上世纪末,何启、胡礼垣作为民族资产阶级的代言人,为谋求国家的富强进步,屡论铁路,认为它是“新政始基”中的要著,应该“开铁路以振百业”,并力主摒弃官督办法,遂民所愿,“令其准人洋股”地“倾资以赴”来创设铁路。[ ]中国民间对铁路的认识也开始加深,从对铁路运输能力的认识,逐渐转向铁路对于经济发展、军事方面的作用的认识。在中国边疆危机严重,民间资本有着强烈修筑铁路的愿望的背景下,中国近代铁路开始建设。 中国近代铁路发展对社会文化的影响:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_42170.html
