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时间:2021-08-03 11:38来源:毕业论文



Abstract:"The count of monte cristo"written by Alexandre Dumas has been loved by the people all over the world, both the image of the hero that dares to love and hate and the attitudes of the society that the novel describes human,  leave the readers a deep impression . As a nineteenth Century famous romantic writer, whether his creation of the novel or his life, have been loved by people. In the new era, we should read his works, and feel the social background in his lifeand the fate of the characters. From the ups and downs of the plot, you can feel the fate of character. The application of art in the novel has been influenced by French romanticism. After"the count of Monte cristo" entering China, through the observation and comparison, it has influenced change of the Chinese novel and the novel idea innovation; As historical novel, it is different from the Chinese historical novel. If we learn about the novel’s writing technique, it is helpful to write in today's writing and make the novel more dynamic.

Keywords:"the count of monte cristo",background, the plot, the romantic,dumas,impact


一  《基督山伯爵》内容及创作背景

  法国作家亚历山大·大仲马﹙Alexander Dumas,1802–1870﹚的长篇历史小说《基督山伯爵》为世界人民所喜爱。《基督山伯爵》创作于1844年至1845年间,正是处于七月王朝统治的后期,内容写的是水手爱德蒙·唐泰斯被诬告入狱,及越狱后更名为基督山伯爵报恩复仇的故事。小说发生在1814年至1838年间的法国,保皇和波拿巴争相要把路易国王和拿破仑推上法国统治的宝座。拿破仑逃出来,到巴黎建立第二帝国,但滑铁卢还是战败,路易·菲利普登上法国王位。拿破仑帝国政府是一个资产阶级性质的政府,而复辟封建王朝不甘退位,纠集各种力量复辟。这一历史时期被大仲马用来做爱德蒙·唐泰斯复仇的故事背景。年轻的水手唐泰斯纯朴善良,他马上就要当上船长,而且已经同心爱的姑娘梅塞苔丝订婚,还有他的老父亲,而一场阴谋正将他笼罩。水手唐拉格窥视他的船长之位,情敌费尔南恨死了他。两人谋划诬告他携带了拿破仑交给巴黎亲信的密件,当地的代理检察官维尔福,正是那个亲信之子。为包庇自己的父亲,保全自己的政治前途,判处唐泰斯为政治犯,关进伊夫堡监狱。在监狱中,他和旁边牢房中的法利亚神甫交谈甚深。神甫死前告诉他基督山藏宝藏的地方,最后躲过狱卒才得以逃脱。后来找到了宝藏,开始了他的复仇之路。 《基督山伯爵》的艺术魅力以及对中国小说创作的影响:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_79477.html
