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时间:2021-11-01 19:56来源:毕业论文

摘 要:明清时期扬州发展达到又一个高峰,而此时的扬州的城市功能由原先的政治转为经济文化为主功能,必然的此时的扬州经济文化都达到空前程度,特别是运河的畅通致使扬州占据了有利位置,吸引盐商,成为物品集散中心,成为朝廷运输漕粮的必经之所,为扬州的发展创造了有利条件。而扬州东关街靠近渡口处于水陆要冲,十分利于商贸活动,同样占据整个城市有利位置,日益繁华,成为这个城市的重要商业街,它自身的繁荣的经济文化内涵带有着当时那个城市的特质,可以说它是扬州的缩影,从它的兴衰可以了解当时扬州的状况,同样借助河道的繁荣而发展自己的东关街,运河的变迁对于它来说是至关重要的,清康乾盛世之后,河道的失修,运河的堵塞,运河地位的降低对东关街来说都是致命的,对它而言是对经济文化发展的打击,至此东关街一蹶不振。73588

毕业论文关键词:  扬州大运河    东关街   影响

Abstract: During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the development of Yangzhou, reached a peak, and at that time, Yangzhou city function by the original political turn of economy and culture as the main function, inevitable at this time, the economy of Yangzhou culture have reached an unprecedented level, especially the smooth flow of the canal resulting in Yangzhou occupy a favorable position, attracting merchants and become goods distribution center, a court canal transport must pass through, creating favorable conditions for the development of Yangzhou,。 Yangzhou Dongguan Street near the ferry in the amphibious hub, is very conducive to business activities, the city also occupy a favorable position, increasingly prosperous, become an important commercial street in the city, the economic and cultural connotation of its prosperity with the characteristics of the city, you can say it is the epitome of Yangzhou, from which it can understand the rise and fall the situation in Yangzhou, with the same channel of the prosperity and the development of their Dongguan Street, canal change is vital to it, after the Qing Kangxi and Qianlong, river disrepair, canal blockage, canal position reduction is lethal to Dongguan Street, is the economic and cultural development to fight it, at this point the Dongguan unable to get up after a fall。

Keywords: The Grande Canale Yangzhou   Dongguan Street   Influence


一、 前言 4

二、 明清时期运河对扬州东关街的促进作用 4

1。  东关街的商业贸易 4

2。  东关街的手工业 5

3。  东关街的宗教文化 6

4。 东关街的市民生活 7

三、 清末运河的变迁对扬州东关街的衰败的影响 7

1。  对于经济上的影响 8

2。  对于文化上的影响 8

结  论 9

参 考 文 献 10

致  谢 11

一、 前言

自大运河开通后,扬州段“北自宝应,南迄仪征,东南接大江”[1],倚此运河、有一条内连城区的通衢大道,逐渐成为了最活跃的贸易发展和文化交流聚集地。东关古渡正对古东门,它是古运河的一个渡口,明嘉靖间为保护城东(东关街)T商业区筑新城御倭,保护东关一带的商民,在旧城以东建筑新城,东关的城门名曰“利津门”。一时间,南北船舶、东西客商要到扬州,多从利津门进出。有了码头就有街市,舟楫的便利和漕运的繁忙,催化出一条商贸密集、人气兴旺的繁华古街——东关街。“新城东关至大东门大街,三里,近东关(利津)者谓之东关大街,近大东门者谓之彩衣街。”[2] 明清大运河的兴衰对扬州东关街的影响:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_83976.html
