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时间:2023-08-27 11:31来源:毕业论文

摘 要 : 半绝缘砷化镓是一种光电导性能非常良好的材料,被广泛用于光电开关器件。 但价格昂贵,低阻砷化镓的价格仅为其一半,但光敏特性非常微弱。我们发现将磁性金属 掺杂的非晶碳膜沉积到低阻砷化镓基片上,构成 p-n 结则能显著提高其光敏性。大多数金 属电极材料与低阻砷化镓之间为肖特基接触,不适合用作电极。然而,这种肖特基结在与 非晶碳膜/砷化镓异质结串联起来后却极大提高了光灵敏度。本文中,我们首先研究发现 了钴掺杂的非晶碳膜/GaAs/Ag 异质结的巨大光敏特性;然后研究了 Tb 掺杂对 Tb 掺杂的非 晶碳膜/GaAs/Ag 异质结的光敏特性的影响;最后研究了一种新型的、廉价的适用于半绝缘 GaAs 的欧姆接触电极材料 Ag/ a-C:Co 及其制备过程。89876

毕业论文关键词 : 砷化镓,磁性金属掺杂的非晶碳膜,p-n 结,肖特基结,异质结,光灵敏度 


Abstract: GaAs is a kind of material with very good photoconductivity and is widely used in photoelectric switch devices。 But it is also expensive, The price of the low resistance GaAs is only half of it, however, its’ photosensitive characteristics are very weak。 We found that the sensitivity can improve significantly when the magnetic metal doped amorphous carbon were deposited on the low resistance GaAs substrate。 Most metal electrode materials are schottky contacted with low resistivity GaAs and are not suitable for use as electrodes。 However, the optical sensitivity has been greatly enhanced when it is connected with the amorphous carbon/GaAs heterojunction。 In this paper, we first studied the giant photosensitivity of a-C:Co/GaAs/Ag heterojunction; And we also studied the effect of Tb doping on the photosensitivity of a-C:Tb/GaAs/Ag heterojunction; Last but not least, a new type of ohmic contact electrode material Ag/Co doped Amorphous carbon film for semi-insulated GaAs and its preparation process are introduced。

Keywords: GaAs, the magnetic metal doped amorphous carbon, p-n junction, schottky junction, heterojunction, photosensitivity

1 绪论 4

2 a- C: Co/ Ga As/ Ag p- n、金属结源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 的巨光敏性 7

2 。 1 研究背景 7

2 。 2 样品制备 9

2 。 3 结构分析 9

2。4 光电性能检测 10 

2。 5 总结与展望 1 5

3 Tb 掺杂的非晶碳膜/GaAs/ Ag 异质结的光敏特性研究 16

3 。1 研究背景 1 6

3 。2 样品制备 1 6

3 。 3 结构分析 16 

3。4 光电性能检测 17 

3 。5 总结 21 

4 半绝缘 GaAs 的欧姆接触电极材料 Ag/Co 掺杂的非晶碳膜制备与检测 21

4 。1 金属掺杂的非晶碳膜砷化镓异质结的光电特性研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_195573.html
