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时间:2023-10-04 09:06来源:毕业论文

摘    要在能源环境问题日益严重的当今社会,新能源以其清洁、可再生等优点而被世界各国公认为实现未来能源系统低碳与可持续发展的主要支撑。本文通过设计一种基于STC12C5A60S2单片机为核心的SPWM逆变电源,输出的220V交流电可以从输入的12V直流电逆变成,通过自然数查表法控制内部的两路硬件PWM模块生成SPWM脉冲信号,全桥逆变电路采用单极性调制方案驱动,输出经LC低通滤波器滤波,最后在负载上得到稳定的正弦波交流电。整流电路、逆变电路、滤波电路、驱动隔离电路、电源电路、保护电路等组成了主电路。另外本系统外接按键及液晶屏,按键能设定电源输出电压和频率,液晶屏能实时显示输入电压及输出电流,输出正弦波的频率,使系统的安全及稳定得到了很大提升。本设计主要用的是SPWM控制技术,整体的电路结构简单而且机械特性良好,价格也低廉。85335

毕业论文关键词:离网逆变器; STC单片机; 单相逆变

ABSTRACT  With the increasingly serious energy and environmental problems in today's society, the new energy has been recognized by the world as the main support for the future low-carbon and sustainable development of the energy system with its clean, renewable and other advantages。 In this paper, through the design of a STC12C5A60S2 based SPWM inverter, 220V AC output from 12V DC input into reverse, by natural number two hardware PWM module to generate SPWM pulse signal to check the internal control table method, full bridge inverter circuit using unipolar modulation scheme driven by output LC low pass filter filter, finally get the stable sine wave alternating current to the load。 The main circuit is composed of a rectifier circuit, an inverter circuit, a filter circuit, a drive isolation circuit, a power supply circuit and a protection circuit。 In addition the system external buttons and LCD screen buttons to set the output voltage and frequency of power supply, the LCD screen can display real-time input voltage and output current, output sine wave frequency, the safety and stability of the system has been greatly improved。 This design is mainly used in the SPWM control technology, the overall circuit structure is simple and good mechanical properties, low prices。 

 Keyword:Off grid inverter; Singlechip ;One-way bridge 


目  录

摘  要 I


第1章 绪 论 4

1。1太阳能光伏产业 4

1。2太阳能光伏发电概述 4

1。3 研究目的及要求 4

1。4 相关研究现状及前景 4

第2章 系统分析 5

2。1 逆变器的基本概念与工作原理 5

2。1。1系统的基本结构和主要性能特点 5


2。1。3 正弦波逆变器的电路构成 5

2。1。4常用逆变器调压方法 5

2。2 SPWM调制变频技术 6

2。2。1 单极性SPWM STC12C5A60S2单片光伏SPWM逆变器的设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_196849.html
