摘 要
毕业论文关键词:量子通信, 量子密钥分配, 量子隐形传态
As long as the existence of people, when they are separated, there is the necessity of communication。 Since the ancient times, in order to cater to the needs of all social levels, how to achieve timely, accurate and safe information transmission has been the problem people always want to solve。 The popularity of various kinds of communication methods makes the communication speed and distance reach a rather high level。 However, faster speed of communication brings not only convenience, but also a lot of information leakage and diffusion。 The existing password system relies on the increase of complexity in calculation。 Under the current way of encryption, when a quantum computer comes into practical use in some day, it means there is no longer a secret due to its unbelievable calculation ability。 If the technology is mastered by ulteriorly motived people, the world order which is so difficult to build will suddenly collapse。 To safeguard world peace, along with the gradual research and development of quantum computer, the research of quantum communication must synchronously follow up at the same time。 There are two main types of quantum communication method, quantum key distribution and quantum teleportation。 Quantum key distribution is based on the absolute security of key distribution process of quantum mechanics, while the basic idea of quantum teleportation is the transfer of an unknown quantum state between both sides of the communication。 In this paper we will briefly introduce the two methods, and analysis them in a comparative way。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766
Keyword: quantum communication, quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation
目 录
摘 要 2
一、 引言 4
二、 量子通信的量子物理基础 5
三、 量子密钥分配 5
四、 量子隐形传态 7
五、 量子密钥分配和量子隐形传态的比较 10
六、 有关量子通信的误解 10
七、 结束语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 量子通信原理浅析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_196961.html