摘 要:为满足加工行业测量精度越来越高的需求,相关精密测量技术的发展也是日新月异。本文以白光干涉测量技术为基础,对微观形貌测量和光学薄膜厚度测量这两方面进行了研究讨论。
Abstract: In order to meet the increasing demand of measurement precision in the processing industry, the development of the related precision measurement technology is changing rapidly。 Based on the white light interferometry, the two aspects of micro topography measurement and optical film thickness measurement are discussed in this paper。
Firstly, the development background of precision measurement is introduced, and the basic principle of white light interferometry is described。
Secondly, introduces the development history and its significance of micro topography measurement, and expounds the research value, methods of measurement of various morphologies by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using Michelson interferometer structure and working principle of the instrument based on the principle of surface topography measurement of vertical scanning system。
Finally, introduces the development history of film and its important position in modern industry, expounds the value significance of film measurement and research, analysis and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of various film measurement technology, introduces a kind of interference based on the theory of white light, white light using Michelson interferometer and fiber optic spectrometer combined device for measuring film thickness。
Keywords: precision measurement,white light interferometry,micro morphology,film thickness
目 录
1 前言 3
2 白光干涉在微观形貌测量中的应用 3
2。1 微观形貌测量的意义 4
2。2 常见的微观形貌测量方法 4
2。3 利用白光干涉法测量物体的微观形貌 8
3 白光干涉在光学薄膜测量中的应用 9
3。1 薄膜厚度测量的意义 9
3。2薄膜厚度测量的常见方法 9
3。3利用白光干涉法测量光学薄膜的厚度 11
结 论 14
致 谢 15
参 考 文 献 16
1 前言来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766
近年来,精密加工技术的发展是日新月异,机械、光学、电子及材料等工业也在随着精密加工技术的进步而不断的向着微型化和精密化方向发展。并且,机械组件的精度、半导体蚀刻的沟槽深度、曝光的线宽和相关材料表面的平滑性质等,也都因技术的不断进步而达到了新高度。同时,由于这些加工技术的加工精度和表面质量都很高,因此对于相关测量的精度也是提出了更高的要求,例如晶片表面的测量要达到纳米级面型精度,埃米级表面波纹度和粗糙度[ ]。 白光干涉技术在精密测量中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_198991.html