关键词 QCD 夸克-胶子等离子体 重夸克束缚态 结合能 薛定谔方程 Runge-Kutta算法
Title Heavy quark bound states
At high temperatures, the usual nuclear matter becomes a strongly coupled plasma of deconfined quarks and gluons. In statistical quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD) , the properties of the resulting quark-gluon plasma (QGP) can be investigated by studying the in-medium behavior of heavy quark bound states. In this thesis, we study the binding and dissociation of heavy quark bound states in a thermal environment, using a non-relativistic confinement potential model with color screening. We first demonstrate the numerical method for solving the Schrodinger equation in the non-relativistic hydrogen problem, with an emphasis on the analysis of a novel numerical function that we’ve found contains rich information about all the energy levels of a bound state. Then using the numerical method established, we solve the heavy quark bound states in vacuum and at finite temperatures. We calculate the evolution of the masses, binding energies and the radii of the heavy quark bound states as temperature increases, thereby determining the dissociation points of the bound states. Such research is of great relevance with the on-going relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments at BNL-RHIC and CERN-LHC.
Keywords QCD, Quark-Gluon Plasma, Heavy quark bound States, Binding energy, Schrodinger equation, Runge-Kutta method
目 录
1 绪论 3
2 氢原子 6
2.1 氢原子问题的背景和意义 6
2.2 氢原子的薛定谔(Schrodinger)方程 6
2.3 解氢原子的定态薛定谔方程 10
2.4 求解Difference函数的零点 17
2.4.1二分法 20
2.4.2弦割法 21
2.5 结果 22
3 真空中的重夸克束缚态 29
3.1 重夸克束缚态问题的背景和意义 29
3.2 真空条件下重夸克束缚态薛定谔方程 29
3.3 解真空条件下的 束缚态薛定谔方程 31
3.4 求解Difference的零点 34
3.5 束缚态的能级 35
4 有限温度下的重夸克束缚态 38
4.1 物理背景 38
4.2 有限温度下重夸克束缚态的薛定谔方程 39
4.3 解有限温度下重夸克束缚态的薛定谔方程 40 真空中和有限温度下的重夸克束缚态研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_20133.html