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时间:2024-04-25 22:16来源:95223



Abstract:Since the early 60s of last century,semi-submersible offshore platform has been widely used in the advent of marine oil exploration and development . Its advantages are applicable to the work of a wide water, strong ability to resist wind and waves, to adapt to the harsh sea conditions, and even most of the deep-sea semi-submersible platform can adapt to a hundred years of extreme sea conditions, and the deck area and loading capacity, easy to transfer installation. With the development of oil and gas exploration and development at home and abroad to deepwater and ultra-deep waters and the development of marine platform construction technology around the world, the construction and application of semi-submersible platform are also concerned. In this paper, the local strength of the semi-submersible platform guide hole is analyzed in order to clarify the variation of the force and the buckling condition under various load conditions. At the same time, it can verify that the foundation and the shell structure can tolerate mooring Load structure strength, for the academic analysis and engineering applications to provide theoretical reference data and structural forces and other practical reference materials in order to better solve the practical problems in engineering applications.

Keywords: semi - submersible offshore platform; fairlead; column structure;   Mooring load;finite element model


第一章绪论 1

1.1半潜式平台导缆孔局部强度分析研究的目的与意义 1

1.2国内外学者对半潜式平台局部强度研究的情况 1

1.3主要研究内容 2

第二章研究的理论依据 4

2.1概要 4

2.2系泊系统概述 5

2.3本文的相关研究要素 6

2.3.1运用到的软件及介绍 6

2.3.2相关说明 7

2.4设计载荷和极限状态 10

2.4.1单条系泊线的断开负载 10

2.4.2所有系泊线的作业负载 11

2.5设计角度 12

第三章有限元模型 14

3.1材料 Sesam半潜式平台导缆孔局部强度有限元分析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_203541.html
