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时间:2024-05-26 10:02来源:95473
海底水平采油管道保温研究.由于原油中含有大量的蜡质、杂质等物质,如果在输送过程中温度下降过多会直接导致石油的粘度增大,引起输送的沿程阻力变大, 这对于管道石油运输是不

摘要:由于原油中含有大量的蜡质、杂质等物质,如果在输送过程中温 度下降过多会直接导致石油的粘度增大,引起输送的沿程阻力变大, 这对于管道石油运输是不利的。在管道的检修过程中,停留在管道中 的石油如果没有加热,更要发生凝管事故。所以管道保温加热是十分 有必要的。在本文中,主要研究内容为应用 Fluent 软件对管道周围 流体的温度场、流场进行数值模拟对比,进而得出不同模型情况下管 道与周围流体换热的总热流量。本文将利用传热学以及流体力学知识, 对管道周围的海水的运动状态利用书上经验公式进行定性计算。应用 软件对本文建立的单管道、竖直双管道、水平双管道模型进行不加保 温层、加保温层的数值模拟对比,以此结果研究不同管道布置方式、 不同的保温层厚度对于保温效果的影响。在单根管道、水平放置双管、 竖直放置双管中选出最佳保温模型。最后本文将对管道加热研究作简 要介绍。对加热方法、加热结构进行简单介绍,分析各个加热方式的 优缺点,考虑到工程实际后,选出最佳的加热方式。并对这个加热方 式进行模型的介绍与工程实际的分析。本文中海底水平管道的模拟分 析对具体工程中管道铺设的设计将有一定的实际应用意义。 

关键词:海底 采油管 保温 加热 

Abstract:Because the crude oil contains a large number of materials, such as wax、 impurities, if the temperature drop in the process of conveying , it will directly lead to the increasing of oil viscosity, it will lead to delivery of frictional resistance, it is  fatal to the pipeline. During the maintenance of the pipeline, the oil that stays in the pipeline is more likely to have a tubule accident if it is not heated. So it is very necessary to heat the pipe . In this article, the author mainly foucus on the application of fluid temperature field and flow field around the pipeline and the comparison of the heat transfer fluid flow research. In this paper, the software application of accuracy or not need to experiment.however the experiment is very difficult, this paper will use the heat transfer and fluid mechanics knowledge, the relationship between differential pressure and velocity, and the total heat transfer coefficient of pipeline with the surrounding water using empirical formulas for quantitative calculation of the book. In this paper, the effect of different insulation layer thickness on insulation effect is studied by comparing the insulation layer and the insulation layer of the three models. The optimum heating model is selected in single pipe, horizontal pipe and vertical pipe. In the end, the paper introduces the research of pipeline heating. For a brief introduction to the heating method, the structure of the heating, using the numerical simulation analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various heating mode, after considering the practical engineering, select the best heating mode. In this paper, the paper introduces the model of the heating method and the actual analysis of the project.

Key words: submarine oil production pipe insulation heating


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 ... 1 

1.2 海底水平输油管道保温概述 ... 2 

1.3 本文研究内容  2 

第二章 数值模拟原理 3

2.1 现象及定义描述 ... 3 

2.2 自然对流流态判断 . 3 

2.3 本文传热现象描述及定性  4 

2.4 本文模拟研究内容 . 5 

第三章 海底水平输油管道数值模拟 7

3.1 ICEM CFD 软件应用  7 

3.1.1 ICEM CFD 模型简介 Fluent海底水平采油管道保温研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204006.html
