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时间:2024-06-18 21:50来源:95565



Abstract:Using a species-selective dipole potential, we create initially localized impurities and investigate their interactions with a majority species of bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional configuration during expansion. We find an interaction-dependent amplitude reduction of the oscillation of the impurities’ size with no measurable frequency shift, and study it as a function of the interaction strength. We discuss possible theoretical interpretations of the data. We compare, in particular, with a polaronic mass shift model derived following Feynman variational Approach. We study the sonic horizon phenomena of the oscillating Bose-Einstein condensates in isotropic harmonic potential. Based on the Gross-Pitaevskii equation model and variational method, we derive the original analytical formula for the criteria and lifetime of the formation of the sonic horizon,  demonstrating  pictorially the interaction parameter dependence for the occurrence of the sonic horizon  and damping effect of the system distribution width. Our analytical results corroborate quantitatively the particular features of the sonic horizon reported in previous numerical study.

Keywords: BEC-BCS crossover; Gross-Pitaevskii equation; soliton; self-similar transformation;


第一章绪论 1

1.1 Bose-Einstein凝聚 1

1.2 Gross-Pitaevskii方程 3

1.3 Feyuman变分法 4

1.4 Feshbach共振 8

1.5声波地平线的形成 9

第二章计算方法 10

结论 14

致谢 15

参考文献 17



1.1 Bose-Einstein凝聚

1924年,印度物理学家SatyendraNathBose向爱因斯坦传递了一篇论文,他把光子当作为同一粒子的气体来处理黑体辐射的普朗克定律。爱因斯坦将Bose的理论推行到拥有相同原子或分子的理想气体,其中颗粒的数量是保守的,并且在同一年中,他预测在可能低的温度下,颗粒将在系统的最低量子态中被锁定在一起。我们现在知道,这种称为Bose-Einstein凝聚(BEC)的现象只发生在“玻色子”,具有整数倍数的总旋转的粒子,普朗克常数除以2π[1]。 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中声波黑洞辐射理论研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204166.html
