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时间:2024-06-18 22:05来源:95566
In this paper, we synthesized SmFeO3 in a PPL lined reactor at 240 ℃ and 72h under hydrothermal reaction, and added PVA and NaOH to control the morphology.We believe that NaOH is not only used as a

In this paper, we synthesized SmFeO3 in a PPL lined reactor at 240 ℃ and 72h  under hydrothermal reaction, and added PVA and NaOH to control the morphology.We believe that NaOH is not only used as a mineralizer in hydrothermal processes, but also as a surfactant. We know that hydrothermal synthesis is a complex process. The size and morphology  of  the  product  depends  primarily  on  the  competition  between   crystal nucleation and crystal growth, which is determined by the chemical potential of the intrinsic crystal structure and the precursor solution.Adding different concentrations of NaOH will lead to changes in the morphology of SmFeO3 , we get more or less impurities after the sample, after dealing with impurities, the samples were SEM, XRD.Analysis of the sample found in the weak alkaline under the block, moderate alkaline get the pyramid tip, under the strong alkaline to get stick-like.

Keywords: perovskite, hydrothermal synthesis,SmFeO3,control of morphologies.


第一章绪论 1

1.1铁酸钐的研究与进展 1

1.2铁酸钐的晶体结构 2

1.3铁酸钐的应用前景 3

1.4铁酸钐的制备方法 4

1.4.1水热反应法 4

1.4.2溶胶-凝胶法和柠檬酸络合法 5

1.5实验的目的和意义 7

第二章实验过程 8

2.1原料 8

2.2实验仪器 8

2.3样品制备 9

2.3.1具体实验步骤 9

2.3.2注意事项 10

2.4实验测试方法 10

2.4.1X射线衍射测试(XRD) 10

2.4.2扫描电镜测试(SEM) 11

第三章实验数据分析 12

3.1铁酸钐样品汇总 12

3.2SEM扫描电镜表征和分析 12

3.3XRD的表征和分析 17

结论 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22





SmFeO3是正交结构的稀土铁氧体,反铁磁奈尔温度在397℃左右,铁电居里温度也在397℃左右,它的出现让我们重新燃起了制备强磁电耦合单相多铁材料的希望。正交稀土铁氧体RFeO3是八面体扭曲钙钛矿结构,空间群为Pbnm。在晶学的一个单胞中有4个等价的Fe3+,通过O2-共顶将相邻的八面体连接起来,并且这个共顶的O2-为相邻的两个Fe3+提供了超交换的途。正交稀土铁氧体ReFeO3晶胞中的每个Fe3+与最近邻的6个Fe3+通过超交换作用相互影响。这导致ReFeO3表现出来复杂的磁性能,并且奈尔温度也比较高在347℃-487℃之间。 铁酸钐水热合成及形貌调控(2):http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204167.html
