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时间:2024-07-14 09:37来源:95844




Abstract:Nano-ZnO (ZnO) has the activity of ultraviolet light and visible light, which is a new type of photocatalyst, which has great development and prospect in the treatment of organic wastewater. In this paper, ZnO micro-nanospheres were prepared by hydrothermal method and their photocatalytic properties were studied. In the experiment, zinc nitrate hexahydrate and glucose were used as solute, water was used as solvent and little urea and ammonia were added. The carbon microspheres were prepared by changing the hydrothermal time and calcined at high temperature. The microstructures of ZnO nanosheets were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X - ray diffraction (XRD), and their morphologies were analyzed. Experiments show that ZnO micro-nanospheres can be prepared by adding glucose (one-step, two-step), and the addition of glucose is tabular ZnO.

The photocatalytic effect of different ZnO samples was tested with rhodamine B as the research object. The experimental results show that the photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanospheres synthesized by one - step method is the best. The size of the synthesized samples was controlled by controlling the hydrothermal synthesis time (4h, 6h, 8h). The results show that the photocatalytic effect of ZnO samples prepared by hydrothermal time is 6h.

Keyword:Zinc oxide、Hydrothermal、Photocatalytic


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2ZnO的结构与性质 2

1.2.1ZnO的结构 2

1.2.2ZnO的理学性质 2

1.2.3Zn0光催化的反应机理 3

1.2.4ZnO光催化的影响因素 4

1.3半导体光催化研究存在的问题及进展 5

1.4本文的主要内容 6

第二章纳米材料的制备及表征 7

2.1纳米材料的制备方法 7

2.2常见纳米材料的表征方法 8

第三章ZnO微纳米球的制备、表征及光催化性能研究 10

3.1ZnO纳米颗粒的制备 10

3.1.1实验设备和实验试剂 10

3.1.2水热法制备ZnO微纳米球实验中的试剂用量 11

3.1.3ZnO微纳米球的制备过程 11

3.2ZnO微纳米球的SEM表征 13

3.3ZnO光催化性能研究 水热法制备ZnO及其性能:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204270.html
