Abstract:The composite sandwich plate is widely used in various fields. According to the application status of the composite sandwich plate, the non-destructive testing of the composite sandwich plate is carried out by using the non-destructive testing technology and its mechanical properties are analyzed to ensure the safety of the composite sandwich plate Use has great necessity.
In this paper, the composite sandwich plate was used as the object of study. The mechanical properties of the composites were investigated by means of guided wave detection. The numerical simulation was carried out by ANSYS software. The composite materials were simulated by setting different materials and different thickness sandwich patterns Sandwich plate, the stress, strain and displacement of the composite sandwich plate under different excitation were obtained. According to the simulation results, the mechanical properties of the composite sandwich plate are analyzed and the mechanical properties of the different materials and different thickness sandwich plates are compared. The application of the composite sandwich plate and the application prospect of the composite sandwich plate are studied. Basic ideas.
Key words: ultrasonic guided waves; performance testing ; composite material; finite element
第一章绪论 1
1.1复合材料无损检测的研究背景 1
1.3导波在复合材料中的数值研究进展 2
1.4导波检测复合材料夹层板的优越性 3
1.5有限元理论 3
1.5.1有限元的发展史、现状与展望 3
1.5.2有限元理论 5
1.5.3有限元相关软件的现状与发展 6
1.6本文的主要研究内容以及研究步骤 7
1.7本课题的研究意义 7
第二章复合材料及波的基本概念 8
2.1复合材料 8
2.2复合材料的特点 8
2.3波 9
2.3.1波的传播 9
2.3.2表面波 10
2.3.3导波 10
2.4本章小结 12
第三章复合材料夹层板的力学性能分析 13
3.1前言 13
3.2ANSYS的程序简介 13
3.2.1预备工作 ANSYS复合材料夹层板的力学性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204291.html