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时间:2024-09-10 22:15来源:97145
利用大型有限元软件 Workbench 对设计好的该海洋环境监测节 点进行建模,进行网格划分,并施相应载荷,得到该监测节点的应力大小及应力 分布图,位移及位移图。






Abstract:The 21st century is a new era of marine science. Development and utilization of marine resources, the development of marine economy, the protection of the marine environment, is the main task of the development of the marine industry.

This project has developed a new type of marine environmental monitoring node, which is different from the traditional man-made marine environment monitoring point. The project creatively uses the new energy of wave energy, taking into account the influence of various environmental factors, Research and development of small, simple, durable, economical power generation device, the wave energy collection into electrical energy, supply to the planning and design of the monitor, beacon lights, communications equipment and other equipment for the sea breeze, sea water temperature, wave height, Sea water pollution index and other environmental monitoring, for the past to achieve independent maintenance and remote monitoring of ships to ensure the safety of the ship sailing for further development and utilization of the sea to lay a solid foundation.

The project first carries out the overall design of the marine environmental monitoring node. The design of the structure of the monitoring node is mainly carried out, including the overall arrangement of the scheme, the analysis of the various structures and instruments, the design of the environmental monitoring node, the necessity of analyzing the energy storage system, and the sealing and Anti-corrosion design.

Then, the generation and characteristics of wave energy are studied, and the factors influencing the wave power are analyzed. The wave theory is studied and the waveform equation under actual sea condition is deduced. And the stability of the monitoring node structure check, analysis and calculation of the overall structure of the center of gravity and floating heart position, to explore its stability balance. While its overturning force to calculate the calculation.

Finally, the structural strength of the monitoring node is checked. Analysis and design to strengthen the ribs and a variety of steel to ease the stress concentration, to ensure the strength of the structure. Using the Workbench software to design a good node into the simulation, calculate the stress and displacement, the intensity check. ANSYS应用波浪能的海洋环境监测节点结构设计与强度分析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204675.html
