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时间:2018-08-29 11:34来源:毕业论文

关键词  太阳帆板 柔性机构  多体动力学 ADAMS
Title  Dynamics simulation for satellite solar panels based on ADAMS                                                                      
Development of the satellite is a major component of national space activities
.Satellite project is an important part of space technology. In the actual project,When launching the satellite, Solar Wings can not be launched which are folded on both sides of the stars,So as to put a satellite in inner fairing.That means to reach space Satellite solar panels need to expand, so as to continue to work to provide energy for the satellite. Solar Panels unfolding satellite into normal working condition is an important part. Solar Panels expansion and deployment process flexible deformation and vibration will affect the state of the satellite's motion, which will affect the accuracy of deformation on satellite and satellite astral various attachments. Therefore, before the satellite launch dynamics analysis windsurfing deployment process is particularly important. This paper uses ADAMS software to study the establishment of a satellite body and the solar wings on complex aerospace systems and flexible attachment of solar panels started the process dynamics.
Keywords  Solar panels  Flexible bodies  Multibody dynamics  ADAMS
目  次
1  引言    2
    1.1  工程背景    2
    1.2  研究现状    4
1.3  研究的意义和目的    5
    1.4  本论文内容安排    5
2  研究过程    7
2.1  研究途径    7
2.2  建立物理模型    7
2.3  建立刚柔耦合系统    12
2.4  动力学仿真    14
2.5  本章小结    16
3  仿真结果分析    17
3.1  展开过程的应力分析    17
3.2  振动模态分析    19
    3.3  本章小结    21
结  论    23
致  谢    251  引言
1.1  工程背景
苏联在1957年10月 4日发射了“人造地球卫星1号”,这也是世界上一个发射成功的航天器。世界上第一个载人航天器也是苏联研制成功的。东方号飞船把航天员加加林送上了太空。既苏联之后,美国成功的把第一个人送到了月球。完成这项壮举的就是美国的阿波罗11号飞船。在阿波罗航天器发射成功后,美国的航天器开始向航天飞机方向发展。世界上第一个同时拥有运载火箭、航天器和飞机特征的航天器是美国哥伦比亚号航天飞机。随着苏联和美国的航天技术的快速发展,世界各国都开始重视航天技术。在1970年4月24日,我国发射了第一颗人造卫星。东方红一号的成功发射表明我国的成为苏联美国之后能独立研制并发射卫星的国家。 基于ADAMS的卫星太阳帆板动力学仿真:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_22114.html