Similarities and Differences
between Inquiry Learning and Scientific Research
Abstract: The study of the relationship between learning and scientific research study can better understand the essence of inquiry teaching and properly implement the inquiry teaching. This paper explores the definition, types and activity courses of the inquiry learning and scientific research, and also conducts the analysis of the inquiry learning and scientific research on their similarities and differences. The paper focuses on the difference between inquiry learning and scientific research and the conditions under which the scientific research can be transformed into inquiry learning. The paper also studies the principles of inquiry learning. Research shows that inquiry learning is the imitation of scientific research. These studies can promote teachers to teach better and students to learn more efficiently.
Key Words: Inquiry Learning; Scientific Research; Theoretical research; Teaching practice
目 录
摘要 1
引言 1
1. 课题研究现状及面临问题 2
1.1 课题研究现状 2
1.2 课题研究面临的问题 3
2. 探究式学习与科学研究的各自特点 4
2.1 探究式学习的特点 4
2.2 科学研究的特点 6
3. 探究式学习与科学研究的异同研究 8
3.1科学问题提出上的异同点 8
3.2科学事实和实验数据收集上的异同点 9
3.3科学假说提出上的异同点 9
3.4活动程序和探究结果的异同点 10
4. 探究式学习的原则和条件 10
4.1科学探究与知识传授有机结合 10
4.2具备适合的硬件和软件设施 10
4.3组织者和学习者要有一定的科学研究素养 11
5. 结论与展望 11
5.1 结论 11
5.2 展望 11
参考文献 12
探究式学习是教育教学研究领域的前沿热点课题之一,是目前国内外初等教育和中等教育大力提倡,并广泛尝试的一种新型的教与学模式[1-3]。较之于学生在课堂上单纯被动地通过教师讲授理解、学习知识的传统教学模式,探究式学习不仅具有授之以鱼的功能,而且更有授之以渔的突出优点,因此更契合培养创新型人才、建设创新型国家的国家教育发展战略目标。特别是,实践于探究式学习模式下的学生,对知识的理解更深刻、系统,学习上更具有主动性、创造性,活动上更具有冒险精神、团队合作意识,而且非智力因素更能得到充分的发展和锻炼。因此,探索、实践探究式学习对教育教学改革具有深远的影响。 探究式学习与科学研究的异同研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_53128.html