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时间:2020-07-06 21:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Wavelength pision multiplexing (WDM) technology is based on the bandwidth resources of optical fiber in the low loss region, so that the light signal can be transmitted simultaneously multiple wavelength in one optical fiber, increase the transmission capacity of optical fiber, the wavelength of signal that the wavelength pision multiplexing used is independent of each other, so it can  transmit signals  in completely different characteristics, so it can complete Synthesis and decomposition of Various communication services. According to different needs, wavelength pision multiplexing technology can have many kinds of application form. It is Convenient to expand the network capacity of the optical fiber communication system what has been built. Therefore, optical WDM technology has great application and practical value. The principles, structure, characteristics of optical WDM technology, the application in the communication aspect are introduced in this paper. In the end I referred to the forecast to the development prospect of future optical wavelength pision multiplexing technology.

Keywords:  wavelength pision multiplexing (WDM) technology, wastage of transmission, optical network

目  录

1  引言 4

1.1  光纤通信系统及其优点 4

1.2  复用技术 4

2  光波分复用技术的原理 4

2.1  光纤的传输损耗及工作窗口 5

2.2  光纤的带宽计算 5

2.3  WDM的三种复用方式 6

2.4  本章小结 7

3  光波分复用技术系统的结构 7

3.1  光波分复用器和解复用器 7

3.2  WDM系统构成 8

3.3  光波分复用技术的主要特点 9

3.4  本章小结 10

4  光波分复用技术的应用及发展前景 10

4.1  在城域光网络中的应用 10

4.2  在存储域网络中的应用 11

4.3  在专线网中的应用 12

4.4  骨干网传输系统 12

4.5  直放站 12

4.6  发展前景 13

4.7  本章小结 14

结  论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 17

1  引言

21世纪是一个信息爆炸时代,光纤通信已成为一个发展快速、技术更新快、新技术不断出现的领域。其目标是提高通信能力和通信质量,降低成本,满足社会需要。 光波分复用技术的原理及应用:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_55888.html
