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时间:2021-01-06 22:25来源:毕业论文
针对LED灯丝灯封装工艺采取研究,设计并分析了LED 灯丝球泡灯的结构及优点。然后研究了灯丝球泡灯在不同电压下其光通量、光效和色温等参数的变化规律。分析了影响LED 光、电、色、

摘要:按照板上芯片( COB) 封装技术,提出了一种360°出光的新型灯丝球泡灯,其封装基板采取陶瓷透明基板。本文起首针对LED灯丝灯封装工艺采取研究,设计并分析了LED 灯丝球泡灯的结构及优点。然后研究了灯丝球泡灯在不同电压下其光通量、光效和色温等参数的变化规律。分析了影响LED 光、电、色、热性能的因素,进行相关性能测试。220V的情况下,灯丝球泡灯显色大于80,色温2000K左右,其光效大概都在110 lm/w.最后我们利用proe建模软件和FloEED热模拟对灯丝球泡灯热分布情况学进行建模和模拟,再将模拟出来的数据与热成像仪出来的数据进行对比,球泡灯的实测热分布与模拟结果基本吻合。61964

毕业论文关键词: LED灯丝球泡灯;光效;封装;照明

Electriclight bulb filament Performance Analysis

Abstract:According to the chip (COB) packaging technology, a new type of filament bulb lamp, which is 360 degrees out of light, is proposed.In this paper, the LED filament lamp package technology to take research, design and analysis of the LED lamp bulb lamp structure and advantages.Then the light bulb pellets under different voltages on the luminous flux, luminous efficiency and color temperature effect and other parameters.The factors that affect the LED light, electricity, color and thermal performance are analyzed, and the related performance test is carried out.In the case of 220V, the filament bulb color is greater than 80, the color temperature is about 2000K, the light efficiency are about 110 lm/w.Finally, we use the proe software and FloEED thermal simulation of light pellet bubble lamp heat distribution is modeled and simulated, and the simulating data and thermal imager data were compared, bulb lamp measured heat distribution and simulation results are basically consistent.

KeyWords:LED bulb filament; Light effect; Package; Illumination


1.引言 6

1.1 灯丝球泡灯的背景 7

1.2 国内外研究现状与水平与发展趋势 8

1.3 灯丝球泡灯的优点 8

1.4 灯丝球泡灯研究方法与步骤 9

1.5 灯丝球泡灯研究目的和意义 9

1.6 灯丝球泡灯的设计 10

2.灯丝概述 12

2.1 灯丝简介 12

2.2 灯丝特征 13

2.3 灯丝优势 13

2.4 灯丝应用 14

3.灯丝的封装工艺 14

3.1 LED灯丝封装结构 14

3.2 LED灯丝倒装封装结构 14

3.3 LED灯丝封装工艺流程 16

3.3.1 固 晶 16

3.3.2 烘烤工艺 18

3.3.3 点胶工艺 19

3.3.4 测 试 21

4.灯丝球泡灯光学性能分析 22

4.1 灯丝球泡灯的光通量的分析 22

4.2 灯丝球泡灯的光效的分析 24

4.3 灯丝球泡灯的色温的分析 26

4.4 灯丝球泡灯的显色指数的分析 28

4.5 灯丝球泡灯的总结 29
