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时间:2024-04-01 22:42来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the rapid expansion of the total number of Internet users, the maturity of mobile Internet technology, the spread of social public events began to break away from the seriousness of the earlier argument, become more exaggerated, joking, biased toward entertainment track。 This paper probes into the concrete forms of entertainment and dissemination of social public events, mainly transmitting the issue from the core of the event; the language style is biased towards absurd banter; the pursuit of truth lies in the tag thinking。 And consider its advantages and disadvantages, The paper holds that the entertainment trend of social public events should attack from four aspects: One is the government to improve the ruling level, establish a good image of the government; two is the mainstream media should strengthen the checks, stick to their positions; three is the new opinion leaders should strengthen the guidance of public opinion, to avoid improper speech; four is Internet users should enhance public spirit, improve public awareness。

Keywords: We-Media , Social public events, Spread,Recreational

目    录

一、 引言 3

二、 文献综述 4

三、 概念界定 5

(一)社会公共事件 5

(二)娱乐化 5

四、 社会公共事件传播娱乐化的表现 5

(一)传播议题偏离事件核心 6

(二)语言风格偏向荒诞戏谑 6

(三)真相追求让位于标签化思维 7

五、社会公共事件传播娱乐化的影响 7

(一)引发公众围观,助长浮躁的社会情绪 8

(二)消解公共事件本身严肃性,弱化其公共性 8

(三)加深阶层对立,增加社会的不稳定性 9

六、社会公共事件传播娱乐化的应对策略 9

(一)政府应提升执政水平,构建良好的政府形象 10

(二)主流媒体应强化“把关”,坚守阵地 10

(三)新意见领袖应加强舆论引导,避免不当言论 10

(四)网民应增强公共精神,提高公共意识 11

结    语 11

参 考 文 献 13

致 谢 14

一、引言源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766 浅析社会公共事件传播的娱乐化特征及其影响:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_203159.html
