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时间:2021-05-04 16:47来源:毕业论文



Abstract: At the end of the 19th century, with the further development of the democratic revolution, more and more intellectual women became to found and run publications. Women newspapers played an irreplaceable role during the process of modern intellectual women's liberation in China. The woman newspapers and publications were used as weapons, challenge norms by Chinese women to call on women's rights to the society. Based on the modern famous female journalist, the paper studies the development of modern intellectual women newspapers' activities in context. Investigate the found background, its developing characteristics and the limitations effected modern intellectual women press activities. The thesis also selected the most representative intellectual women and the publications for studying and analyzing the profound influence and meanings to the women liberation thoughts and activities so as to find out how will the initiation and the pioneering spirits will effect on the modern women publications and the female journalists in nowadays.

Keywords: modern times, intellectual women, women newspapers, women's liberation

目  录

1 前言 4

2 文献综述 4

3 中国近代女性报刊诞生的社会背景 4

3.1鸦片战争失败后,国门被迫打开,西学东渐思潮盛行 5

3.2禁止缠足使女性从身心上得到解放 5

3.3兴办女学使女性从精神上得到解放 5

4女性报刊对妇女解放思想的影响 5

4.1《大公报》促进妇女解放运动的发展 5

4.2《中国女报》为妇女运动的发展提供了更广阔的领域 6

4.3 《女学报》第一次举起男女平等的旗帜 7

5 知识女性报刊活动的作用与局限 7

5.1 知识女性报刊活动的作用 7

5.1.1女性报刊揭开妇女拥有话语权的序幕 7

5.1.2 女性报刊促进了知识女性的成长,给后人启示 7

5.2 知识女性报刊活动的局限 8

5.2.1 缺乏敢于担当锲而不舍的领导人 8

5.2.2 缺乏资金的支持 8

5.2.3 受众主要为上层知识女性,缺乏社会影响力 8

6 知识女性报刊活动对当代女性报刊的借鉴 8

6.1女性报刊需要弘扬以爱国zhuyi为核心的民族精神 9
