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时间:2021-05-23 17:27来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 合拍片;市场;文化;口碑

The Situation and Problems of 

Chinese and Foreign Co-production

Abstract: Co-production has become more popular in recent years. Chinese and foreign capital mutual benefits with market, with the box office become higher and higher. However, a great risk and cultural collision hided, the co-production is not only a cooperation, but also a game. This paper summarizes the current situation, which co-productions increased year by year and the single content, and future development trend of Chinese and foreign co-production films by collecting the data of the network and literature, finishing the box office and scoring situation of the domestic and foreign markets in recent five years. The paper will also combine with the "Taiji Xia", "We Were Born in China", the classic cases of the film, trying to find the problem from the content and form, and trying to propose a solution.

Keywords: co-production; market; culture; word of mouth


引言 4

一、中外合拍片的发展历程 5

(一)1949年~1979年 合拍萌发期 5

(二)1979年~2001年 以协拍为主的成长期 5

(三)2002年2012 “走出去”——合拍发展期 6

(四)2012年至今 合拍繁荣与新发展: 与多国签署协议并立项 6

二、中外合拍片的现状 7

(一)占比份额逐年递增 7

(二)类型多样,情节单一 9

(三)合拍片成为未来趋势 10

三、合拍电影存在的问题及对策 13

(一)合拍片并不是很“合拍” 13

(二)既不叫好又不卖座 15

(三)寻找文化共识 16

结论 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20



中国与许多国家于2012年签署了政府间电影合作协议,可以说是合拍片高速发展的一年,由于其特殊的待遇,以中外合拍的方式制作电影,成为了中国电影产业参与全球化竞争的必然选择。10年后合拍片在国产电影中的角色之重,可以从票房的数据明显看出,而中国与美国、韩国等国家的合作拍摄最为引人注意,随着合拍片的立项数量的增加,中外双方对于其重视也提升到了一个新的高度。 中外合拍片的现状与问题:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_75453.html
