San Yao Abstract The film mainly tells the hero in a day to meet things, and the overall structure of the film using the two paragraph, the two paragraph of the same beginning of the story as the hero of his choice of different and lead to different outcomes。
In drama the hero is a class of ordinary little people, some of his greedy, dreaming of becoming a millionaire overnight, thinking to his unexamined life making some changes, but ultimately powerless to do anything about it。 And the piners told the state of which he is now, warned his young people should be careful to choose a careful, which is the movie name "three Yao" meaning。
I hope that by creating such a "grounding" characters in the street image, you can see this film in different positions are able to see different meaning to different people。 The life of people in constant gain and loss, gain and lose。 This is a reincarnation, in the film, we can't said any one of the two stories in the male master choice is right or wrong, everyone treat different things have different views, lies in the choice of his heart。 In the film, the hero how to choose, regardless of right or wrong, his behavior is just the expression of the inner reality。 And for this film, the same is true, how to treat the film is the audience's own inner thoughts resonate。
Key Words: plot; cycle; choice; gain and loss
很久之前网上流传这样的一句话,大体意思是你在高考时候可能选错一道选择题、写错一位小数点,就会影响你未来四年甚至余生的人生走向。这句话在第一时间对我的触动很大,其实想来,人生来就是处于选择与被选择中,而人也永远无法定义你在这一时刻的这一选择是对或是错,有时候的选择可能也不会像高考那样带给人生改变,而他只是你内心当中最真实想法的反映。人的一生在不断地获得与失去,获得的同时也是失去,这是一种轮回,有时候人无法左右选择得与失,就像你获得新的一天的同时必然会失掉逝去的、永无第二次的一天,这是被动的得与失。人们也可以通过自己的选择来主动的得到与失去,但这往往都是有代价的,这些代价的失去为你换来新的东西,这种得与失同样无法定义对与错,值与不值。在第一个故事中男主人公贪小财而与大奖失之交臂,最终郁郁寡欢与人冲突时心态失衡被人痛打,而在第二则故事中主人公因福得祸,与朋友欢庆中奖而与人冲突,但也因祸得福意外收获爱情。我们不能说这两则故事中男主的任何一条选择是对或错,每个人对待不同的事物有着不同的看法,所以说什么样的做法是对的,什么样是错的,只在于自己内心的选择。 剧情片《三爻》导演阐述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_87451.html