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时间:2022-05-19 21:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Since 2011, the national news media took activities about "go grassroots, turn style, change style" , which promoted journalists to take the mass viewpoint and the mass line in practice。The event also made it further institutionalized and normalized to go to the grass-roots unit and get in touch with people。 Under this background, the CCTV carried out the event about "Going to the Grass-roots Levels in the New Year" during the Spring Festival。The journalists were organized to take reports all over the world 。Then a series of reports about "Going to the Grass-roots Levels in the New Year" were published。 These reports were practical, close to life, close to the people。In addition,they helped people become the protagonist of the news。 These reports also aroused many people ‘s attention in society。This article will take the 2016 CCTV "Going to the Grass-roots Levels in the New Year" series of reports for example and focus on analyzing these reports’ characteristics and influences。

Key words:CCTV, Going to the Grass-roots Levels in the New Year, series of  reports,     


引言 3

一、文献综述 3

二、概念界定 4

三、央视“新春走基层”系列报道概述 5

四、央视“新春走基层”系列报道的特色分析 5

(一)报道内容平实 5

(二)报道主题鲜明 6

(三)报道视角下移 7

(四)报道形式多样 7

五、央视“新春走基层”系列报道的表现手法 8

(一)展现人物真实情感 8

(二)注重新闻细节 9

(三)运用纪实手法 10

(四)采用故事性的叙事模式 11

六、央视“新春走基层”系列报道的影响力 11

(一)各大媒体积极推出新春走基层报道 11

(二)受众深度参与报道过程 12

(三)促进问题解决 13

(四)传播传统文化 13

结语 15

参考文献 16

致  谢 17


从2011年到2016年,央视的“新春走基层”活动已经进行了6年。每年春节,大批的记者和主持人奔赴全国各地,深入基层,用心灵倾听百姓心声、用手中的笔记录他们平凡感人的故事、用镜头捕捉时代的变化和发展,为观众奉献接着基层“地气”的、带着记者情感体温的“新春走基层”系列报道。论文网 央视新春走基层系列报道的特点及影响力:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_94000.html
