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时间:2022-08-25 22:27来源:毕业论文



Talking about the development and breakthrough of the municipal traffic radio program host

Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, transport services also will be prosperity, arising from such traffic radio professional program, become the development nova media circles。 Traffic broadcasts by the more serious regional impact, especially in city traffic broadcasts, which lost to the provincial traffic radio coverage, but because of the development trend of localization become the dominant characteristic of its development。 This paper is pided into four parts, the first part outlines the development process of the municipal broadcaster and the current status of the overall traffic radio host; the second part is based on characteristics of municipal broadcast program analyzes the auspices of the host that should be have personality traits; the third and fourth part of the analysis of the problems faced by the current traffic radio host and corresponding solutions。 I hope that through this article to explore in depth can provide more information and help develop municipal traffic radio show host。 

Key words: municipal; Traffic Radio; Moderator; development

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、市级交通广播节目主持人的发展概述 2

(一)市级交通广播节目主持人的发展历程 2

(二)市级交通广播节目主持人的总体现状 2

二、市级交通广播节目主持人的个性特点 3

(一)贴近城市生活,引起听众共鸣 3

(二)提供路况信息,服务文明交通 4

(三)挖掘文化个性,展现地方特色 4

三、市级交通广播节目主持人面临的困境 5

(一)传统单一的路况信息播报形式 5

(二)即兴口语表达能力的弱化 5

(三)交通专业知识的匮乏 6

四、市级交通广播节目主持人的突破 6

(一)创新服务,丰富路况信息播报形式 7

(二)加强口语训练,提高语言表达能力 7

(三)拓展知识面,提升专业知识水平 8

参考文献 10


截止目前阶段,大部分省市都已经开通了交通广播,但由于市级单位的局限性,交通广播节目主持人的自身发展受到了限制。主持人在节目中需要根据交通广播的专业性和听众的分类来做出自身能力的提升,打造更具吸引力的广播栏目。随着各省市开通交通广播节目,交通广播节目主持人也在逐年增加,但由于市级单位的区域局限性,加之行业发展时间较短,虽有表现突出、主持风格独特的节目主持人,但多数还存在着不完善之处。[曹家麟。浅谈交通广播主持人播音素养的提升[J]。新闻世界,2013,(4)]鉴于此,本文就针对此问题进行了相关研究,并得出了一些见解和建议。论文网 市级交通广播节目主持人发展与突破:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_98399.html
