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时间:2022-09-11 21:31来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:  体育新闻  中超  立场偏见

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  The problem of "position bias" in sports journalism -- an analysis from the report of " China Football Super League"

Abstract I With the continuous development of sports, all kinds of sports events in full swing, sports news has also been a rapid development, and gradually become a very important part of the news reports。 But now many sports news reports still have many problems, "position bias" problem is one of them。

In the major news media coverage of sports news, with "position bias" color sports news reports, is an absolutely can not be ignored。This article is in full swing in full swing as an example, through the major media reports on the China Football Super League。in order to "bias" of sports news reports were integration with the comb, pointed out the problems, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, and draw the methods to solve this problem。 In order to have a certain reference value for the industry, but also hope that the future of sports news reports to be able to achieve a true fair and just。

Keywords  China Football Super League  Sports news  Position bias

绪论 1

1体育新闻报道的含义与特点 2

2 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的表现与特点 3

2。1 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的表现 3

2。2 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的特点 4

3 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的影响 6

3。1 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的利端 6

3。2 体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题的弊端 7

4 解决体育新闻中的“立场偏见”问题的方法 10

结论 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14



正因为体育新闻是以报道竞技体育比赛为主,而竞技体育比赛则多以国家、地区和城市的名义进行对抗,这是体育赛事的特殊性。这方面的特殊性使很多记者在对体育赛事进行报道时,难免 “地方情结”和“国家情结”,这样就会使体育新闻报道有失偏颇,存在着一个“立场偏见”的问题。那么,体育新闻报道中“立场偏见”问题有怎样的优势和弊端,如何尽量杜绝“立场偏见”问题,保证体育新闻报道的公平公正性,就成为新闻界应当探讨的一个课题。论文网 体育新闻中的立场偏见问题中超报道分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_99259.html
