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时间:2018-03-02 13:51来源:毕业论文

摘要:    随着科技的进步和人民生活水平的提高,汽车正在逐渐地成为人们的代步工具,由此而带来的交通管理问题也日益突出,因此智能交通系统成为了当前国内外亟需解决的问题。车牌识别系统是智能交通系统的重要组成部分,而车牌定位又是车牌识别系统的首要环节。定位的准确率对车牌识别系统的性能具有重要影响。
    本毕业论文应用Matlab语言实现了一种车牌定位算法。首先,将彩色的车辆图像转换成灰度图像;其次,进行中值滤波;然后进行边缘检测;最后,进行形态滤波,通过车牌的结构特征提取车牌图像。实验结果表明,车牌定位的准确率为97.9%,定位效果较好。关键词:    车牌定位;中值滤波;边缘检测;数学形态学;结构特征;10918

Design and implementation of vehicle license plate location algorithm
Abstract:     With the advancement of technology and people's living standards improve, the car is gradually become the means of transport, which brought traffic management issues are also increasingly prominent, so intelligent transportation systems have become an urgent need to solve the current problems at home and abroad . License Plate Recognition, especially intelligent transportation systems research important part. License plate recognition system is the intelligent transportation system is an important part of the plate positioning plate recognition system is the first link. Positioning accuracy rate on the license plate recognition system has an important influence.
   In this paper, a license plate location algorithm achieved with Matlab language. First, the color image is converted into a gray image vehicle; secondly, the median filter; then edge detection; Finally, a morphological filtering, through the extraction plate structure of the license plate image. Experimental results show that the license plate positioning accuracy was 97.9% better positioning.
Keywords:    License plate location; median filter; edge detection; mathematical morphology; structural features;
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    3
1    绪论    5
1.1    课题研究背景与意义    5
1.1.1    课题研究背景    5
1.1.2    课题研究意义    5
1.2    车牌识别系统    7
1.2.1    智能交通系统概述    7
1.2.2    车牌识别系统概述    7
1.3    车牌定位技术的发展现状    12
1.3.1    车牌的基本特征    12
1.3.2    车牌定位技术的发展现状    12
2    图像处理理论基础    14
2.1    灰度化    14
2.2    图像滤波    15
2.3    边缘检测    16
2.4    数学形态学    17
3    系统分析    20
3.1    系统需求分析    20
3.2    系统功能分析    20
3.3    系统可行性分析    21
3.3.1    技术可行性    21
3.3.2    经济可行性    24
3.3.3    操作可行性    24
4    车牌定位算法的设计与实现    26
4.1    车辆图像的灰度化    27
4.2    车辆图像的中值滤波    27 Matlab车牌定位算法的设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yanjiu/lunwen_10150.html