A Brief Analysis of Subtitle Translation in Hero from the Perspective of Skopostheorie
Abstract Film is a common modern artistic form which perfectly mixes various cultural elements together。 With the booming of economy and technology, people gradually incorporate film into their everyday lives。 And subtitle is an indispensable part of movie, which conveys information to the viewers。 Relatively speaking, the study of subtitle translation is decades-old branch of literary translation。 Although many experts proposed quite a few principles, strategies and method, there is still short of systematical translation theory。89342
This thesis attempts to adopt Skopostheorie as the theoretical framework。 Skopostheorie stresses that translation is a purposeful activity, and the aim of translation should be the criterion of target text。 Meanwhile, the acceptance of target text is much more important than equivalence, and thus translator can choose strategies freely to achieve the planned purpose according to different situations。
This thesis will briefly analyze the subtitle of a well-reputed Chinese movie Hero from the perspective of Skopostheorie。 The author tries to explore the intention of the director—Zhang Yimou, the expectation of the audiences and the perse strategies adopted when translating subtitles。 The author hope scholars and filmmakers can pay attention to film subtitle translation which can greatly facilitates the success of a film。
Keywords: film subtitle translation, Skopostheorie, Hero, translation strategies
摘 要电影是人们喜闻乐见的现代艺术形式,它完美地融合了各种丰富多彩的文化元素。而电影字幕是电影不可或缺的组成部分,具有传达信息和表现美感的作用。关于字幕翻译研究的历史相对较短,尽管许多专家提出了很多翻译原则、策略和方法,但仍缺少系统性的翻译理论。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1。1 Research background 1
1。2 Research task and structure of thesis 1
Chapter 2 Literary Review 3
2。1 Studies on film subtitle translation abroad 3
2。2 Studies on film subtitle translation at home 4
2。3 Comment 5
Chapter 3 Theoretical foundation: Skopostheorie 6
3。1 The development of Skopostheorie 6
3。2 The three rules of 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 Skopostheorie 7
3。2。1 The Skopos rule 7
3。2。2 The coherence rule 7
3。2。3 The fidelity rule 7
3。3 Multiple choices of translation strategies 从目的论角度浅析电影《英雄》的字幕翻译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_184943.html