Generally speaking, all key competences systems in the world can find a sense of belonging at the four examples above。 However, in the new education reform, we can still find that different regions have different emphasis or standards。 Here, now that key competences have become a main trend of the world, what does China do for it?
2。2 Key Competences at Home and in China’s English education
In twenty-first Century, a major reform of educational system in China was the revision of multidisciplinary curriculum standards for High Schools。 During the reform, in March 2014, Chinese Ministry of Education issued Suggestions about Deepening Comprehensive Reform and Implementing the Task of Cultivating Virtues and Personalities and Suggestions which firstly put forward a concept named “Key Competences and Values for Chinese Students' Development” formally。 After that, Chinese research group conducted a three-year study。 Through a lot of expert reasoning conferences, theoretical researches, empirical investigations and other works, finally on September 13, 2016, the content of key competences and values for Chinese students' development was successfully presented at Beijing Normal University。 This Research Results Conference issued the details of key competences we need for Chinese education with man's all-round development as its core。 And it classifies the content of key competences into three parts, culture base, autonomous development and social participation。