Effects of Different Forms of Glosses on Non-English Majors’ Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Reading
Abstract In recent years, focus of studies that are relevant to incidental vocabulary acquisition and glosses has been shifted from whether glosses can facilitate incidental vocabulary acquisition to which glossing form is the most effective to incidental vocabulary acquisition。 But so far, there is no consistent conclusion as regards to the effects of different glossing languages on incidental vocabulary acquisition。
This study aims to compare the effects of Chinese glosses, English glosses and Chinese plus English glosses on non-English majors’ incidental vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary retention through an experiment。 The subjects are 60 non-English major sophomores from different schools in Hangzhou Normal University。 They are pided into 4 groups, namely no gloss group, Chinese glossing group, English glossing group and Chinese plus English glossing group。 All subjects are given the same amount of time to read a 460-word English text and finish the reading comprehension test。 Then they receive an immediate vocabulary knowledge test after that and a delayed vocabulary test and a questionnaire one week later。 90000
SPSS 19。0 is adopted in this study for data analysis and the results are analyzed。 The immediate vocabulary test indicates that bilingual glossing is a little more effective to non-English majors’ incidental vocabulary acquisition, but there is no significant difference among three glossing forms。 The delayed vocabulary test indicates that Chinese glossing is the most effective to vocabulary retention, while English glossing is the least。
Keywords: forms of glosses; incidental vocabulary acquisition; reading
摘 要 近几年,与伴随性词汇习得和注释相关的研究已经从“注释是否能促进伴随性词汇习得”这一问题转移到“哪种注释方式对伴随性词汇习得的效果最好”。然而到目前为止,在不同注释语言对于伴随性词汇习得的效果这一问题上面,还没有统一结论。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
本文采用SPSS 19。0 软件对数据进行分析,并对结果进行分析。即时词汇测试表明双语注释对非英语专业学生的伴随性词汇习得的效果略微更好,但三种注释之间无显著差异。延时词汇测试则表明中文注释对词汇保持最有效,英文注释效果则最差。
1。 Introduction。1
1。1 Research Background。。1
1。2 Purpose and Significance of the Research。。1
2。 Literature Review3
2。1 Definition of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition3
2。2 Major Approaches to the Study of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition。。。。。。。3
3。 Methodology。。。。。。。6 不同类型的注释方式对于非英语专业学生通过阅读伴随性词汇习得的影响:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_195876.html