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时间:2019-01-05 20:36来源:英语论文
1.2 The Structure of the thesisChapter One begins with the introduction which talks about the research objective and method,and then introduces the structure of the paper.Chapter Two gives a brief int

1.2 The Structure of the thesisChapter One begins with the introduction which talks about the research objective and method,and then introduces the structure of the paper.Chapter Two gives a brief introduction to cultural dimensions and family education concept. Interms of cultural dimensions, the historic development and applications in culture research aresketched. This chapter also tells something about family education and why it is important for children’s growing up.Chapter Three makes elaborate categories of cultural dimensions, namely Power Distance,Inpidualism and Collectivism, Femininity and Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-termOrientation and Short-term Orientation. Then each category is given specific explanations and howit is used to analyze culture difference.Chapter Four is pided into two parts. The first part is a brief introduction of Modern Familyand Home with Kids, about what these plays show and why they are chosen to discuss familyeducation concept between America and China.The last part serves as a conclusion. It points out the results of the paper, its significance andlimitation. 文化维度理论视域下的中美家庭教育观比较研究以《摩登家庭》和《家有儿女》(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_28789.html