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时间:2020-05-08 21:47来源:英语论文
Due to the variety of cultures, the cultural information is not equivalent from the both sides which brings obstacles for translating activities. Some cultures could disappear with the passage of time

    Due to the variety of cultures, the cultural information is not equivalent from the both sides which brings obstacles for translating activities. Some cultures could disappear with the passage of time. The present study is taking the common culture-loaded words as an example which is an adapted translation of ancient books. In many culture-loaded Words such as names, titles, and idioms which are loading and conveying the Chinese unique culture, so we should find out the translation approaches or methods and pay attention to the translation strategy adopted in the bridge translation. 

At present, study links closely the general nature of a translation with the cultural meaning of the culture-loaded words. Targeting at this main objective, this study sets out to test the following three inter-related hypotheses:
