Discussion on the present situation of music education in rural areasand Countermeasures
Taking Dancheng area Zhoukou county Zhang Wan Xiang Guo Xiuschool as an example
Abstract: The music curriculum reform in primary and middle schools in China with the deepening of,A prominent problem in front of us, that is the education in our country to be on the upgrade, and continuously improve the quality of education, rural primary and secondary school music education reallybecome the curriculum reform and quality education in our primary and secondary schools "bottleneck" the main reason is: all sectors of society have not paid enough attention to the music education in rural areas, music education idea backwardness, weak teachers, backward education facilities, etc. these factors directly affect the smooth implementation of music curriculum reform in our country, but also restricted the quality education in rural primary and secondary schools to deepen, the present situation the author of China's ruralprimary and secondary education were field investigated, analyzed and described the current education situation in rural areas of our country, put forward the improvement measures of music education in primary and secondary schools in rural areas.
农村音乐教育是中小学素质教育中重要的组成部分,目的是培养符合当今社会的优秀发展人才。 马丁路德也曾经说过:“音乐是受难者最好的慰藉,它陶冶心灵,给人幸福”。 音乐家冼星海曾经说过:“音乐是人生最大的快乐,音乐是生活中的一股清泉,音乐是陶冶性情的熔炉”。然而,由于种种的因素,农村中小学音乐教育却总是不尽人意。音乐教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,是美学教育的重要内容,它也推行了素质教育,用富于情感的的音乐形象来丰富学生的情感,陶冶学生的情操,开发学生的智力,帮助学生活跃思想,让学生形成健全的人格,最终来实现学生的全面发展和和持续发展。农村教育是全国基础教育工作的重点,我国有70%的学生在农村,所以农村的教育极其重要。从目前调查来看教育的师资,教学的设施,教育观念等方面比较,农村音乐教育的现状尤为落后,所以发展农村教育以迫在眉睫。
一、 农村中小学音乐教育的现状
张完乡境内沟河纵横,土地肥沃。农作物以小麦、玉米、大豆为主;经济作物以烟叶、药材、棉花为主导;畜牧业以养猪为龙头,年出栏生猪6万余头。1999年全乡实现了村村通电,2002年实现了村村通电话,2007年实现了农村油路“村村通”。经过历届乡委、政府的辛勤努力,张完乡经济、社会事业取得了长足的发展。 浅谈农村音乐教育现状及解决措施:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_17001.html