摘 要:中国戏曲源远流长,博大精深。弘扬中华民族传统文化我们中华儿女的职责,振兴戏曲艺术学校音乐教育应该说是责无旁贷。戏曲艺术目前虽然走入了小学音乐课堂,但是由于多种主客观原因,戏曲的学习都是过眼云烟,一晃而过,别说学生不会,就连许多教师都知之甚少。艺术教育是目前素质教育不可缺少的组成部分,对培养全体学生热爱中华民族传统文化和爱国精神具有重要的意义。在小学推广普及艺术教育是青少年成长的一个不可或缺的成分,可以促进学生的自身发展,更好的传承中华民族传统文化。所以,加强中小学音乐课堂戏曲艺术的学习让戏曲艺术更好的融入到小学音乐课堂有相当大的必要性。 59896
Abstract: Chinese opera has a long history, which is extensive and profound. Carrying forward the Chinese traditional culture is our Chinese people's responsibility, and so is the revitalization of opera art school music education. Presently, the theatrical art has been into the elementary school classroom. However, due to various objective and subjective reasons, the drama learning is superficial and flashed. Not only the students, but also many teachers are poorly understood. Arts education is an integral part of quality education, which is of great significance in training all the students to love Chinese traditional culture and patriotism. Popularize arts education in primary schools is necessary to the young, which could promote students' self-development and be a better heritage of Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, strengthening the study of music class opera art in the primary and secondary school has considerable necessity in making better opera art integrated into the primary school music classes.
Key words: national culture, opera art, music education, elementary music classroom
1 前言4
2 戏曲艺术融入小学音乐课堂的意义·4
2.1 发扬传统文化和了解中国艺术瑰宝··4
2.2 培养学生的鉴赏能力和演唱能力·4
3.1 教师自身的素质对戏曲教学的影响··5
3.2 学生的重视程度对戏曲教学的影响··5
4 如何让戏曲艺术更好的融入小学音乐课堂·5
4.1 提高教师自身的专业修养 6
4.2 培养学生对戏曲的学习兴趣··6
4.3 注重教学内容的时代性6
4.4 运用多样化的教学手段·· 7
1 前言
2 戏曲艺术融入小学音乐课堂的意义
戏曲艺术在我国文学艺术园地中有着举足轻重的地位。中国古代戏曲与诗、词、文、赋等文学体裁不同的是:戏曲包括剧本的情节、结构、关目、宫调、曲牌、文辞、声韵等方面;又有着复杂的艺术形式,包括唱、念、做、打以及舞台布景、音乐伴奏等,是一门综合性的艺术。它是在漫长的发展中经过几千年的沉淀、积累、创新、逐渐形成的比较完整的艺术体系;它是人民审美观念、审美心理系统全面的体现;它博大精深,源远流长,陶冶情操,振奋民族精神。 如何让戏曲艺术更好的融入小学音乐课堂:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_65238.html