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时间:2021-11-22 20:59来源:毕业论文
阐述了结合古筝流派来谈古筝摇指技法的发展,其次介绍了桡腕关节摇指的 三种运动方式,再次从弹奏解剖学的角度来分析桡腕关节摇指,并且是从桡腕关节摇指的 运动路线、触弦角度

摘 要 :赵曼琴突破了传统的八度对称古筝演奏方法,创立了弹摇、弹轮等新的指序, 构成“快速指序技法体系”。赵曼琴桡腕关节摇指解放了中指、名指以及小拇指,可以使 手指任意组合弹奏,从而使古筝技法更加丰富,也大大的增加古筝技法的练习难度。74706

本文首先阐述了结合古筝流派来谈古筝摇指技法的发展,其次介绍了桡腕关节摇指的 三种运动方式,再次从弹奏解剖学的角度来分析桡腕关节摇指,并且是从桡腕关节摇指的 运动路线、触弦角度、弹弦形式、过弦方式、对称运动等来分析的。最后,本文还写到在 摇指的基础上发展演变出来的扫摇和弹摇两种新的技巧。本文通过以上的几方面对桡腕关 节的分析和探究,能达到帮助规范演奏中摇指,并且对古筝摇指技法有一个新的认识。


Abstract : Zhao Manqin breaking the traditional octave symmetrical zither method, the creation of bombs shake, playing round other new means order, constitutes a "fast assignment sequence technique system," Zhao Manqin wrist joint roll refers to the liberation of the middle finger, the name means and little finger, you can make any combination of finger play, so zither techniques richer, but also greatly increase the difficulty of exercises zither techniques。

This paper describes the combination of genres to talk about shake zither zither refers to the development of techniques, followed by the introduction of the radial wrist shake refers to three sport, played again from the perspective of anatomy wrist joint shaking fingers, and from the radial wrist shaking finger movement route, the touching point of view, playing the chord form, over chord mode, symmetric sports like analysis。 Finally, the paper wrote in a shaking finger on the basis of the evolution of sweeping shake out and bombs shake two new skills。 Through the above aspects of the wrist joint analysis and inquiry, to help achieve the specification refers to playing rock and roll zither refers techniques have a new understanding。

Keywords:Zhaoman Qin, Zheng techniques, radial wrist shaking fingers, playing Anatomy

1 前言 3

2 摇指发展的流派概述 3

3 从弹奏解剖学的角度分析桡腕关节摇指 4

3。1 桡腕关节概述 4

3。1。1 桡腕关节摇指的三种运动方式 4

3。1。2 弹奏解剖学 4

3。2 桡腕关节摇指的运动路线 4

3。3 桡腕关节摇指的触弦角度 5

3。4 桡腕关节摇指的弹弦形式 6

3。5 桡腕关节摇指的过弦方式 6

3。6 桡位腕关节的对称运动 7

3。6。1.桡腕关节桡偏屈、尺偏伸的对称运动 7

3。6。2.上臂的旋前旋后摇 7

3。6。3 上臂的旋前旋后甩动桡腕关节摇 7

3。6。4 桡腕关节摇指的练习与转换 7

4。桡腕关节摇指的发展演变 8

4。1 扫摇 8

4。2 弹摇 赵曼琴古筝桡腕关节摇指技法探究:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_85385.html
