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时间:2023-10-26 21:50来源:毕业论文

摘要:每个人对音乐都有着微妙的心理变化,音乐对人有着神奇的作用,悠闲、舒适、幸 福、刺激、等等感受,音乐都能让你享受到。它是人不可或缺的一种情感需要。快节奏的 生活,让都市人感到麻木,在这个缺乏理想和精神寄托的年代,音乐主题餐厅无疑是钢筋 水泥丛中的理想绿洲。随着社会的进步,人们的生活水平不断提高,饮食不再仅仅为满足温 饱,体验饮食中的文化特色正逐渐成为越来越多人的追求,在这种背景下主题餐厅应运而 生。根据音乐这一主题,将一些跟音乐有关的元素运用进去,比如:五线谱音符、乐器、 唱片、明星照片、以及材质的进深感、颜色的运用,还有软装饰的搭配,总之,一切能体 现音乐为主且带给人享受的设计元素运用到空间设计中。90596


Abstract:Everyone has a subtle psychological changes in music, music has a magical effect on people, leisure, comfort, happiness, excitement, and so on, the music can make you enjoy。 It is one of the indispensable emotional needs。 Fast pace of life, so that people feel numb, in the lack of ideals and spiritual sustenance of the era, the theme of the restaurant is undoubtedly the music of the ideal oasis of reinforced concrete。 With the progress of the society, people's living standard continues to improve, the diet not only to meet the food and clothing, experience in the diet culture is becoming more and more people pursue in the context of the theme restaurant came into being。 In the end, and according to the poem "smell the flowers" in the "floating" music theme design elements in the notes of the "sound", the project name for "top" - floating tone music theme restaurant。 According to this theme, some with music related elements in, such as: the liner notes, musical instruments, music, photos, and gold star material, deep into the use of colors, and collocation, soft decoration in short, all reflect the music and bring people enjoy the design elements by using space design。

Keywords: Theme restaurant; musical elements; space design


1 前言 1

2 设计背景 1

2。1 项目概况 1

2。2 现状条件 1

3 设计分析 2

3。1 “浮音”概念来源 2

3。2 装修设计理念 2

4 设计的重难点 3

4。1 重点 3

4。2 难点 3

5 设计风格探讨 3

6 设计内容 3

6。1 功能划分 3

6。2 空间装饰设计 3

7 设计创新及不足 7

7。1 设计创新 7

7。2 设计不足 7

结语 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9

作品完成稿 10

1 前言
