Abstract:Duoling he is China contemporary Lyric realism oil painters, 80s of the last century painting we realize the unique, beautiful, sentimental and lyric temperament, his works reveal the natural stream sad poetry is he in painting become an independent school in the。 The oil painting lyric style has three aspects。 One is the feeling of nostalgia Yu, the content of the painting above all around the topic of "local realism" and "scar painting", reflect on that experience the sorrow of youth。 The two is to express the modern helpless, with strong personal factors, depicts the contemporary young people the feeling of nostalgia and the modern city of confusion and young people's mental state, keep Chinese painting and the spirit of the two perfect together。 Three is the lyric in "writing"。 What kind of simple pictures on the screen, as far as possible to reduce the elements on the screen, with a simple pen, jump off the screen above, given the rhythm of the picture, smart, enjoyable sense。 This is also the oil painting Lyric charm characteristic。
Keywords:Oil painting, lyricism , the style characteristics
1 前言 3
2 乡愁的抒情 4
2。1乡土的情节 4
2。2伤痕的叙事 5
3 现代彷徨的抒发 5
3。1怀旧情结的抒发 6
3。2城市年轻人的彷徨 6
4 书写中的抒情 7
4。1节奏感与灵动 8
4。2笔墨感 8
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
1976年结束后,人们的生活呈现出全新的面貌,但“”时期的伤痕与教训不断引起我们回顾和反思,因而70年代末期在中国文坛兴起了一种创作潮流——“伤痕文学”。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 在“伤痕文学”之外,美术界也兴起了轰动一时的“伤痕美术”,也成为近代社会一个具有时代烙印的名词。这一时期有一大批的青年画家脱颖而出,他们引领着思潮,最初由罗中立的油画《父亲》所引发的全国性的讨论而蔓延开的。由于对创作主题的反思,“伤痕美术”一反时期的画风,重新回到现实主义,开始关注人的现实社会生活,通过强烈的视觉效果展示那个年代的人们所经历的惨痛历史,我们看到更多的是,真实、忧伤、甚是迷茫的以大巴山区乡村里的人物形象为主的美术作品。而罗中立、何多苓等几位这个特殊时期的画家就是因为这样的原因在经历了和知识青年下乡的生活,潜移默化的受当地农民勤劳朴实性格的影响,以及当时艰苦的居住生活条件的锻炼,为他们日后创作的真实情感的现实主义油画奠定了重要的思想文化基础。 何多苓油画抒情性的风格特征:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_199089.html