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时间:2024-05-08 22:02来源:95326



Summary:This article is based on the existing environment of the tourism market, tourism products in the market and the emergence of a variety of species persity. But the tedious product is unable to accurately capture the hearts of consumers. In recent years, history and culture have aroused everyone's attention. A strong historical background, interesting historical stories, unique local characteristics are the concern of travelers, are interested. History and culture and tourism products, the combination of distinctive cultural and creative design is the next trend of market development. Design of a unique tourism products, need to consider the cultural heritage, historical accumulation, reference ergonomics and design methods in-depth design, to avoid the existing product of a single, tedious, monotonous, design an innovative, practical, Type of daily product is the main research goal of this paper. Water meter is a product for female users, based on the existing product into the cultural characteristics, increase portability. So that visitors  refreshing, even after going back can still be used for a long time, you can also leave a good memory in the memory. This paper mainly introduces the cultural and creative design for the replenisher.

Key words:Innovative,Practicality,Cultural Features,Portable



第1章绪论 2

1.1旅游产品的现状和前景 2

1.2现有产品的问题 3

1.3产品创新设计 6

第2章文化元素的创新 8

2.1提取地方文化元素 8

2.2文化元素的利用 9

第3章产品设计的内容与方法 11

3.1产品原理与分类 11

3.1.1补水仪的分类 11

3.1.2补水原理 11

3.1.3补水仪原理 12

3.2人机工程学的运用 13

3.3设计方法的应用 14

第4章设计表现与表达 16

4.1方案的提出 16

4.2方案表达与分析 16

结论 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20

引 补水仪是旅游产品文化创意设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_203714.html
