Abstract:Animation industry advertising is a form of advertising animation art and modern multimedia technology integration. Modern animation industry all the time developing at an alarming rate, forms of advertising animation industry also will change rapidly, one after another. Animation industry chain from the early to mid develop creative sales promotion, from a purely visual products sell to the development of various animation derivatives, marketing and sales, enhance brand value cartoon image of similar products can be allowed to get unmatched profit Therefore the rational use of animation industry advertising is very important. Throughout the moment, our ability to establish brand animation is far behind the Western countries and Japan is missing, the animation industry chain, can not efficiently use the animation industry advertising growth should bring benefits for the animation industry. Therefore, to enhance the strength of China's animation industry making advertising has become a top priority of China's animation industry.
Keywords:Animation industry advertisements,Brand,Japan,China
一、前言 4
二、动漫产业广告的界定 4
(一)动漫产业广告的概念 4
(二)动漫产业广告的内涵与表现形式 5
三、动漫产业广告的发展及现状 5
(一)日本动漫产业广告的发展及现状 5
(二)我国动漫产业广告的发展及现状 6
四、我国动漫产业广告的现状问题分析 8
(一)经营环境原因 8
(二)自身原因 8
五、我国动漫产业广告发展的策略以及建议 8
日韩动漫产业的发展得益于国家的长期正常支持,他们都形成了一条开发-生产-出版-演出-播出-销售的完美体制,如何利用动漫爱好者对动漫的热爱,通过动漫广告达到销售本身与动漫无直接相关的商品的目的,对动画播放的冠名赞助、动漫游戏的内置软广告、利用动漫场景动漫作者开发旅游项目、品牌形象萌化代言,国外企业都已经摸索出一条可借鉴性的道路。因此,通过对国外的形式的研究学习,科学规范的运作我国动漫产业的广告发展,扩大动漫消费者市场,是非常有必要的。 浅谈我国动漫产业广告的发展:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_62620.html