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时间:2021-05-28 23:07来源:毕业论文

摘 要:经济增长是推进社会发展的重要因素,随着社会经济的飞速前进,城市建设步伐的急速增长,生态景观成为现代都市最可珍惜的财富。每一处景观,他是活力的,同时又是安静深沉的,两种似乎相反的特质相互补充,成为不可分割的整体,风景因此也蕴含了无限的韵味,展示了生活的本质。67595


毕业论文关键词:融合 共生 人性 生态景观 博物馆

Abstract:Economic growth is an important factor in promoting social development, with the rapid advancement of economy,  the landscape and therefore contains infinite charm, showing the essence of life.

In the present design is chosen as the research object Huaian Canal Museum. The "Canal Museum and the ecological landscape symbiotic integration" as the theme, the analysis from the nature, history, geography, a comprehensive urban functions, history, culture and environment, regional climate in these areas, looking lost in the footsteps of his past involvement, capturing his future. The main setting in the landscape show in this design, the planting will be selected on the vegetation, of course, the most important is the unique flavor combination of the canal itself, to be modern elements in which the blend of history and modern performance, continue to promote the history and culture, but also adds modern rhythm. Focus on landscape design of the system in the Touring's humanity, who tour the building systems to bring visual impact, creating an urban landscape architecture "symbiotic fusion" relationship.

Key words: symbiotic  fusion  humanity  ecological landscape  museum

目 录

1   前言3

2   项目背景及现状条件3

2.1 运河项目背景3

2.2 历史文化3

2.3 现状条件4

3   研究目的及意义4

3.1 研究目的4

3.2 研究意义4

4   方案整体概述5

4.1 设计理念5

4.2 设计要点6

4.3 设计分析7

5   设计创新及不足7

5.1 设计创新8

5.2 设计不足9





1  前言


2  项目背景及现状条件

2.1  运河项目背景

淮安古运河博物馆坐落在里运河文化长廊景区内,位于淮安中心城市的几何中心,占地面积34550平方米,总建筑面积5500平方米,景观绿化面积19002.5平方米,坐拥里运河与东航大运河,是一个以文为脉、以水为魂蕴含淮安文化风情(图1),包揽世界运河万象,集淮安历史文化体验、世界运河文化博览和交流中心,水上游乐,实景演艺,养生度假,商务会议等功能为一体的五A级世界运河文化旅游区,是市民参观游玩的最佳场所。论文网 运河博物馆与生态景观的融合共生淮安运河博物馆景观工程概念设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_75835.html
