Reaction temperature 80 ℃, reaction time 3 hours nitrobenzene ether synthesis conditions. Conversion rate of 96.71% nitro chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene ether to yield 87.42%, a purity of 99%. This process is simple, less side effects, good quaternary catalytic effect. Quaternary ammonium salt as a phase transfer catalyst, though not very stable, but the phase shift is indeed the earliest and most widely used class of phase-transfer catalysts catalyst research. With increasing amount of sodium hydroxide, the conversion rate increased. Therefore, the reaction selectivity of 35% sodium hydroxide solution.
The mild reaction conditions, atmospheric pressure, and the reaction time is short, the conversion rate and the yield is high, is a viable process for the synthesis of new routes and methods.
4 Process calculation
4.1 Calculate for Material balance.
The process comprising the base with the reaction, ethanol recovery, crystallization, washing and drying process, each step involving mass balance. So we need to be calculated separately for each step,Because it is an annual output has been given, so a fall feeding amount is calculated based on the original and follow every step of the yield has been calculated to yield,Because it is an annual output has been given, so on the basis of the data has been given and According to every step of the yield has been calculated yield。With alkali process yield was 100% so do not consider the loss, destructive and out of the same material. The reaction yield was 93.55% so it is necessary to consider the loss to be taken into account when calculating this. Also because there are side reactions during the reaction, the consumption of feed to the secondary reaction should also be considered. Recycling process is calculated to be considered separately calculate the two-phase materials. Washing process to take into account the amount of water to be added. In the process involving impurities which have to take into account the calculation.
4.2 Energy balance
Heat balance is also a major part of our design task book. We calculate the heat of reaction heat balance equation through the investigation, the molar heat capacity at constant pressure and heat of combustion data so be estimated by "Chemical Process Design Manual" and the corresponding formula. To calculate the energy production process indicators to selected advanced production technology.
4.3 Equipment selection and verification
Find Design Selection Guide books based on the contents of the above calculation to select the appropriate equipment. Many types of reactors, according to the condition of the reactor and out of the material, can be pided into two types of intermittent and continuous. Accordance with the process material. Cycle can be pided into two categories with one-way. From the formal structure of the reactor to points, can be pided into tank, tube, and other reactors in the form of a tower, they apply to different chemical reactions, the reaction mechanism should be based on physical system to choose.When equipment selection, to study the process of adaptation seriously, security issues should be based on the overall operation of industrial relations with Qi Fan and operational characteristics between the analysis of the various types of equipment to determine the equipment. Look at the content of the mission statement of the supplement.
摘要: 对硝基苯乙醚是一种重要的有机中间体 ,用途很广泛。本设计书主要是以对硝基氯苯,乙醇,氢氧化钠为原料,以TEBAC(苄基三乙基氯化铵)作为相转移催化剂,在常压下合成对硝基苯乙醚的工艺设计。设计书要通过对相转移催化合成对硝基苯乙醚工艺进行研究,并与其他合成方法作比较,综合考虑催化剂的选择、反应条件的优化及母液与催化剂的套用试验,讨论影响产物质量和收率的有关因素。通过研究及资料查看得知该方法具有反应条件温和,反应收率高,反应周期短,污染物少等优点最终选择相转移催化法为最优合成方法。本设计重点在于:全流程物流衡算,热量衡算,设备设计与选型,工艺流程设计以及车间布置设计。通过对全流程进行物流衡算,确定反应设备所需的传热面积。继而再结合所需的传热面积确定反应器参数。根据设计要求和关键参数,做出合理地工艺设计,绘制工艺流程图。本设计中还会给出原料定额表,排出物料综合表,原料消耗综合表,并根据产品以及原料的物化性质,给出常用的安全产品包装,储藏,运输方式和安全注意事项。 年产1200吨对硝基苯乙醚的工艺设计+图纸(3):