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时间:2023-01-23 10:01来源:毕业论文
基于Nios II的直流电机PWM调速系统设计。利用Altera公司的DE2开发板为平台,运用了新一代SOPC技术即Qsys在FPGA上植入Nios II软核,以此作为核心控制器,使用C语言在FPGA内部编写PWM控制程序


本文利用Altera公司的DE2开发板为平台,运用了新一代SOPC技术即Qsys在FPGA上植入Nios II软核,以此作为核心控制器,使用C语言在FPGA内部编写PWM控制程序,在FPGA外部控制电机调速和旋转方向。这是抛开了传统的直流电机调速方式(单片机或DSP)的一种新的尝试。

本文首先介绍了电机传动系统,直流电机控制和PWM技术的情况,对控制系统所用的技术进行了说明;接着详细讲解了在FPGA中嵌入Nios II软核来建立一个SOC直流电机控制系统的具体方法,说明了SOPC技术的思想和实现途径,该系统使用Altera公司的Cyclone IV系列FPGA芯片EP4CE30F2348N作为系统控制器,同时利用硬件描述语言将一些必要的外设集合为直流电机控制系统。最后,本文给出了一些关键的控制函数,说明系统控制电机运动的原理。


 关键词:Nios II,直流电机控制,PWM,FPGA


DC is important in people's lives powered devices。 Compared with other motors, motor is easy tocontrol and has excellent performance。At the same time,DC can carry large loads and has a wide range of speed。 With advances in technology, but also the rapid development of various technologies, such as automatic control theory, computer science, signal detection technology, these technology-driven DC motor speed control system and servo motor integration trend, improved real-time motion control system and stability。 This motion control system for the high demand, must develop high-precision, high efficiency motion controller。 This is the significance of this study lies。

In this paper, Altera's DE2 development board as a platform, using SOPC technology in FPGA implant NiosII soft core, as the core controller, use the C language to write in FPGA internal PWM control program in the FPGA external control motor speed and rotation direction。 Unlike the classic DC motor control which is based on a microcontroller or DSP, try using a new method。

This paper introduces the motor drive system and PWM technology, the technical description of the control system used; then explain in detail the specific method of embedding NiosII soft core in the FPGA to build a SOC DC motor control system, illustrating the SOPC technology and ways of thinking, the system uses Altera's Cyclone IV series FPGA chip EP4CE30F2348N as a system controller, while taking advantage of the hardware description language will speed circuitry required for the collection of DC motor control system。 Finally, this paper presents some of the key control function, explain the principles of the system to control the motor movement。

According to the above mentioned method, a solid model design and verify the results prove that the design is indeed feasible。

Keywords: Nios II, DC motor control, PWM, FPGA


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题背景 1

1。2电气传动的发展和趋势 1

1。3 PWM技术的发展和概述 2

1。4 FPGA概述 基于NiosII的直流电机PWM调速系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_127786.html
