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时间:2018-04-10 21:54来源:毕业论文

关键词  神经网络  控制器  频率特性
Title  The frequency characteristic of neural network control model                    
Neural network has a strong adaptability and learning ability and nonlinear mapping ability, robustness and fault -tolerance,which is made up of a lot of artificial neuron.With the controlled system is more and more complex, people more and more high to the requirement of control system, especially the control system can adapt to uncertainty, time-varying objects and the environment.The traditional control system based on a accurate model is difficult to adapt to the requirements, now about the concept of control has more widely, it demands include some decision-making, planning and learning function.Neural network is more and more get people's attention.Neural network control system which makes artificial neural network as a controller or identifier, can be used for various control structure based on the model in the field of practical modeling and control, also can be used as the controller itself, as well as in control system plays the role of optimization calculation.
This paper first summarizes the origin and development of neural network, and the typical neural network control model which makes the neural network as a controller.On this basis, we studied the similarities and differences of frequency characteristic between the traditional control model and neural network control model , so we get that neural network control system is better than traditional control system in the response rapidity and stability.
Keywords  Neural network   controller   frequency characteristic
目   次
1  引言    1
2  在系统建模和控制中常用的神经网络    3
2.1  BP神经网络    3
2.2  RBF神经网络    4
2.3  模糊神经网络    6
3  神经网络作为控制器的情况下常见的控制模型    8
3.1  模型参考自适应控制    8
3.2  前馈直接控制    9
3.3  损失函数型控制    9
3.4  估值器-控制器方案    10
4  基于BP神经网络的PID控制器    11
4.1  神经网络PID控制器的结构    11
4.2  神经网络PID控制器的控制算法    11
5  MATLAB中S函数的设计与应用    15 神经网络控制模型设计与仿真研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_12854.html