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基于Rockwell PLC 的储油罐控制系统设计

时间:2018-04-14 10:44来源:毕业论文
论文介绍了储油罐的背景、研究现状以及储油罐的发展状况,并进一步结合储油罐控制过程中容易发生的故障采用了分程控制方案。然后通过选用Rockwell PLC作为系统软件

摘要: 在炼油厂或石油化工厂中,有许多储罐存放着各种油品或石油化工产品,为使这些油品不与空气中的氧气接触、被氧化变质,或引起爆炸危险,常采用罐顶充氮气的办法,使其与外界空气隔绝。实行氮封的技术要求是要始终保持罐内的氮气压为微量正压。贮罐内贮存的物料量增减时,将引起罐顶压力的升降,应及时进行控制,否则将会造成储油罐变形。本毕业论文介绍了储油罐的背景、研究现状以及储油罐的发展状况,并进一步结合储油罐控制过程中容易发生的故障采用了分程控制方案。然后通过选用Rockwell PLC作为系统软件,利用RSLogix500软件进行梯形图及指令语句表程序编制,并且运用RSView32组态软件完成上位机监控界面。21184
The design of control system of oil storage tank Rockwell based on PLC
Abstract: In a refinery or petrochemical plants, there are many tank storage of a variety of oil or petroleum chemical products, in order to make the oil is not contacted with the oxygen in the air, oxidation, or cause an explosion hazard, often using the tank top nitrogen filling method, make its and the outside air. The requirements for nitrogen sealing technology is to always maintain the nitrogen pressure tank for the micro positive pressure. Increase or decrease the amount of material storage tank storage, will cause the tank lifting top pressure, should be timely control, otherwise it will cause the deformation of oil tank. This paper introduces the background, research status of oil storage tank and storage tank development status, fault occurs easily and further integration of storage tank control during the process control plan. Then by selecting Rockwell PLC as the system software, ladder diagram and instruction list program using RSLogix500 software, and using the RSView32 configuration software to complete the host computer monitoring interface.
Key words: Oil storage tank, process control, PLC, configuration software
目    录
1.绪论    1
  1.1 课题的背景    1
  1.2 课题研究的目的及意义    2
2.储油罐和可编程序逻辑控制器(PLC)的概述    4
  2.1 储油罐相关课题的研究现状    4
    2.1.1 玻璃钢储油罐的研究现状    4
    2.1.2 储油罐检验技术的研究现状    5
    2.1.3 储油罐液位测量技术的研究现状    7
  2.2 可控制编程器(PLC)的概述    8
    2.2.1 可编程序逻辑控制器(PLC)的产生    8
    2.2.2 可编程序逻辑控制器(PLC)的发展    9
    2.2.3  PLC的基本结构和特点    9
3.分程控制方案    12
  3.1控制系统的分析    12
  3.2调节阀的选择    12
    3.2.1调节阀作同向作用分程    12
    3.2.2调节阀作异向作用分程    13
  3.3分程控制的目的和意义    13
  3.4.分程控制储油罐的工作过程    14
  3.5压力变送器    15
  3.6控制器的选择    16
    3.6.1可编程数字控制器的主要特点    16
    3.6.2 DDZ-3控制器的特点    17
    3.6.3控制器的规律选取    17
  3.7控制器的正反作用方向    18
  3.8程序流程图    18
4.运用组态软件完成上位机监控界面    20 基于Rockwell PLC 的储油罐控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_13272.html