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时间:2018-07-04 17:16来源:毕业论文

Title    Study on the SOC Estimation of Electric Car                 
Recently, oil-based fossil fuels are being consumed at a higher speed.as a result of this condition, the problems of energy shortage and environment are continuously warning us about our life and future. Seeking the substitute of oil-based fossil fuels is a urgent matter for us, which should be clean and environmentally friendly.
Since 1992, Sony Corporation invented the modern lithium-ion battery, it takes the most share of the consumer electronics market . But it is difficult replace the oil-based fossil fuels for providing energy to motor vehicle . Except for its own features, the development of energy management and working condition monitor is also a very important restricting factor.
This paper is written inspired by an enterprise project, which is called “Power lithium.ion batteries and its anatomic parts.” And the measurement and control integration system works well after the software and hardware debugging. This paper contains the following contents:
(1)Study  the theory and structure of lithium-ion battery.
(2)Study the estimation algorithm of SOC.
(3)Design a estimation algorithm depend on the characteristics of lithium-ion  battery. Verify the algorithm with Matlab.
     I verify the function of the system above. the result shows that the measurement and control integration system works well and stable.
Key words: lithium-ion battery, measurement and control system,estimation algorithm of SOC
目   录
1  引言    1
1.1  电动汽车技术研究背景    1
1.2  电池剩余电量的定义    2
1.3  电动汽车动力电池SOC国内外研究现状    2
1.4  论文的研究内容    3
2 锂离子电池的性能分析    4
2.1锂离子电池简介    4
2.2锂离子电池的优缺点    4
2.3 锂离子电池的性能参数    5
2.4锂离子电池的种类    7
2.5磷酸铁锂电池的工作原理    8
2.6影响电池SOC估算的因素    9
2.7 小结    10
3 锂离子电池SOC预测方法详解    11
3.1放电实验法    11 电动汽车电池剩余电量SOC估计算法的研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_18801.html