Abstract:With the wide application of micro-electronic technology, its application in the electronic weighing system, is the development direction of electronic industry, this paper proposes the design of digital electronic scale based on single chip microcomputer。In this paper, the design falls into two parts of hardware and software, the hardware part adopts STC89C51 single chip microcontroller as the main control chip, increase peripheral integrated circuit, keyboard circuit, display circuit, alarm circuit etc。 These make up the
intelligent weighing system circuit。 In Software part, the design of the process of main program is presented, the A/D conversion process ,the data reading process, the alarm process and anyother sub-processes are described in detail。 In the end, according to the design, i completed the real assembly and debugging, according to test results and analysis, validate the weighing function, alarm function of electronic balance, data computing functions and man-machine exchange function。
KEYWORDS: STC89C51;sensor;A/D converter;LCD Display
1绪论 5
1。1研究目的和意义 5
1。2电子称重系统的应用领域 5
1。4主要工作以及设计思路 6
2电子称原理及系统方案论证与选择 7
2。1系统总体设计方案 7
2。2称重器的工作原理 7
2。3控制器部分 8
2。4数据采集部分 8
2。5外围电路模块选择 10
3电子称具体电路的设计 12
3。1STC89C51的最小系统电路 12
3。2数据采集部分电路设计 16
3。3显示电路与STC89C51单片机接口电路设计 19
3。4键盘电路与STC89C51单片机接口电路设计 20
3。5报警电路的设计 21
4系统软件设计 21
4。1主程序设计 22
4。2子程序设计 23
5系统测试 26
5。1电路组装与调试 26
5。2实验结果分析 29
总结 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 STC89C51单片机的数字电子秤的设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_199494.html