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时间:2024-01-25 23:02来源:毕业论文





Abstract: For a long time, the traditional meter reading mode will have the following problems: the charge is dispersive, the real-time performance is poor, the accuracy is poor, and the efficiency is low, therefore,the design of centralized meter reading system is of great significance 。

  A centralized meter reading system is designed by the paper based on single chip, which mainly includes the system underlying the acquisition of energy consumption data, the design of data communication network and communication。 With the AT89C52 microcontroller as the control center, by the power supply module, data acquisition and transmission module, clock module, A /D conversion module, the automatic meter reading system with the remote information collection function。

The meter reading system to realize remote meter copying and analysis, to solve the residential energy consumption information manual processing is too cumbersome, the energy consumption information quickly and accurately record market prospects。

Key words:centralized meter reading, AT89C52, A/D module, RS-485

目   录

1  引言 1

1。1  课题背景及意义 1

1。2  集中抄表系统的国内外概况 1

1。3  设计任务 2

2  系统总体设计方案 2

2。1集中抄表系统的构成 2

2。2系统的总体设计及原理 2

3  抄表系统硬件设计 2

3。1  单片机的选型 3

3。2  A/D转换模块 5

3。3  数据的上传模块 7

3。4  时钟模块 8

3。5  脉冲采集和计数模块 9

3。6  显示电路 10

3。7  电源模块 12

4  抄表系统的软件设计 13

4。1  软件设计要求 13

4。2  主程序的软件设计 14

4。3  子程序设计 16

4。3。1  清零子程序的设计 16

4。3。2  脉冲采集程序 17

4。3。3  数据采集子程序 17

4。3。4 显示子程序 18

4。3。5 校验子程序 19

4。3。6  数据传送子程序 AT89C52单片机的集中抄表系统设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_201190.html
