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时间:2024-04-28 21:55来源:95239





ABSTRACT:According to the existing optical radiation analysis theory, based on the MATLAB language, this paper established a model of light environment,considering the effects of the internal shading and external shading and roof covering materials and the rate of shading caused by purlin beam transmission frame structure in the greenhouse

The model can be used to simulate the irradiance of sunlight of Venlo type glass greenhouse at any time of day at different locations. In addition, the model also considers the change of indoor light radiation environment under various weather conditions, such as sunny weather, cloudy and so on, and simulates indoor scattering radiation and direct radiation. Meanwhile, the influence of the haze of transparent cover material on scattering and direct light radiation is also considered in the model.

The careful handling of these problems makes the model more accurate and closer to reality. It is beneficial to improve the whole management style of greenhouse, perfect the means of regulation and control, and then create a more suitable environment for crop growth and increase crop yield.

Keywords: Venlo-Type greenhouse ,solar radiation, light environment prediction


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究的背景和意义 1

1.2国外研究现状 2

1.3国内研究现状 3

1.4现有研究的不足 4

1.5主要研究内容 5

第二章 温室外太阳辐射的分析与计算 6

2.1日地相对参数确定 6

2.1.1太阳赤纬角、太阳方位角、高度角、时角 6

2.1.2日出日落时刻 7

2.2斜面上的太阳位置的确定 8

2.2.1太阳高度角、太阳方位角 8

2.2.2时角 9

2.3水平面瞬时太阳辐射量的计算 10

2.3.1 HOTTEL模型 10

2.3.2 ASHRAE模型 13

2.4室外太阳辐射曲线的模拟 14

2.4.1日出日落时间的确定 15

2.4.2太阳辐射峰值的计算 15

2.4.3室外太阳辐射MATLAB程序开发和流程框图 17

第三章温室内太阳辐射的分析与计算 基于MATLAB的温室光环境模型设计与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_203586.html
