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时间:2024-05-11 22:27来源:毕业论文

摘   要:各种电能质量问题如电网谐波、电压不平衡度等,已经严重影响了工业发展和人们的日常生活。科技发展给电力系统带来了新的机遇,推动了电能质量高效管理化的进程。电能质量监测是解决电能质量高效管理的基础。本文在了解电能质量概念、课题的研究背景与意义的基础上,主要完成以下工作:



(3)根据系统设计的主要功能和方案,提出了软件的框架结构, 在LABVIEW平台上设计了相应的功能模块。监测系统的测量模块包括五部分:基本参量模块、电压谐波、三相不平衡度、功率测量、电压波动。此外,还设计了数据的存储和回放模块。


关键词:电能质量   LABVIEW   谐波  功能模块

Abstract:Various power quality problems such as power grid harmonic and voltage imbalance have seriously affected the development of industry and People's Daily life. The development of science and technology has brought new opportunities to the electric power system, which has promoted the process of efficient management of electric power. Power quality monitoring is the basis of the efficient management of electric power.

This paper is based on understanding the concept of electric power quality and the research background and significance of the subject .My work can be summarized as follows:

    (1)Summarized the research status and development trends of electric power quality monitoring at home and abroad.

    (2)Promulgated in combination with the current domestic standard of power quality, from the index of power quality parameters, such as voltage deviation, frequency deviation, three-phase unbalance, harmonic, voltage fluctuation., analyzed the power quality parameters monitoring principle and calculation formula, puts forward the general idea of the design, the main functions of the system and detailed scheme.

    (3)According to the main function and scheme of system design, proposed the frame structure of software, and designed correspond function module on LABVIEW platform. The measuring module of monitoring system consists of five parts: basic parameter module, voltage harmonic, three-phase imbalance, power measurement, voltage fluctuation. In addition, data storage and playback modules are also designed.

(4)Tested the main functions of the system through the simulation function of LABVIEW platform. Simulation data generated by the LABVIEW platform completed the 

test of functional modules such as three-phase voltage, current signal, power, three-phase imbalance degree, harmonic, voltage fluctuation, the login screen is also tested .The test results show that the functional module is basically the design requirement.

Keywords:  Power quality   LABVIEW   Harmonic   Functional module


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及选题意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 选题意义 DSP+ARM电能质量监测仪的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_203778.html
