
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-05-13 22:06来源:95370





Abstract:Ship damage control and monitoring system can greatly protect the vitality of the ship and reduce the loss caused by the accident.Therefore, the establishment of a modern intelligent damage control and monitoring system is of great significance. In the 21st century, China put forward the "shipbuilding power" slogan, which was known as the heart of the ship——ship damage control and monitoring system has entered a stage of rapid development.

This paper mainly takes the mainframe system of a certain 600-ton ship damage control and monitoring system as the object of study. Combined with the development status of ship damage control and monitoring system, this paper carefully analyzes the functional requirements of ship damage control and monitoring system. Then this paper has carried on the detailed function design to the mainframe monitoring system for damage control and monitoring system of a 600-ton ship. Compared with other development environment, this paper finally determines the system development environment —— Labview. According to the functional design requirements, this paper describes the following five modules programming methods: login module, alarm module, serial communication module, OPC server based on the Ethernet communication module, data logging and query module.

At last, this paper investigates the design of the mainframe system and solves the problems encountered in the debugging process, so that it can achieve the  expected function very well.

Keywords: ship damage control and monitoring system; Labview; serial port; OPC

第一章绪论 1

1.1选题背景和意义 1

1.2船损管监控系统国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1国外发展现状 1

1.2.2国内发展现状 2

1.3本文研究内容及章节介绍 3

第二章功能设计与开发环境介绍 5

2.1功能要求 5

2.2功能设计 6

2.3开发平台的选择 8

2.3.1Labview简介 9

2.3.2Labview组成及程序编写方法 9

第三章上位监控系统软件设计 11

3.1登录模块 11

3.2人机交互界面的设计 18

3.3上位监控系统串口通讯 Labview600吨船损管监控系统上位监控系统设计+源程序+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_203811.html
